Sept 11th

City is remembering today the events of Sept 11th.  Seven years ago today.  Seems like it was yesterday. I remember exactly where I was when it happened and what I was doing. Crazy!! 

We are gearing up for the weekend service.  Have 2 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday that I will be apart of.  We have connection time after each weekend service this weekend so we will have a chance to meet visitors and new comers over some nice city pizza.  So excited about the services this weekend.  Pastor Mark will be preaching on the Cage of Guilt, from his new book Wild Goose Chase.  If you have not read it yet, make sure you pick of a copy.  Its a must read.  Warning: Not for the complacent or comfortable! It will change your life. 

Be praying for us as we gear up for the weekend.  Shelly and I are so excited about serving and meeting new people.  Come and visit 5 & 630 saturday nights!!!