
Man it feels good to work hard and sweat it out for the Lord.  We have been setting up at RFK for the big Saturday event.  If you know me, you know that rarely do I enjoy dirt on my hands or eating food without washing my hands.  But not today baby..haha.  Laying it all out for souls.  Every chair and every table set up is a soul that can changed forever.  Every bead of sweat and every shirt ruined is a life that can be changed.  That is why we do this.  That is why we sacrifice.  Please continue to pray for us this Saturday.  Pray that we would get up to 1200 volunteers, some of you need to just come and quit praying:) Pray that the weather holds of until after Saturday!! Pray that a harvest of people show. We are expecting somewhere around 10,000 people.  Bring it on. Let the games begin.  Go Skins!! hahaha 

Shelly and I will take some picks and put them up. I know..i know some of you are wishing i had a pic up today of me filled with dirt and muck.  Not a chance:) Love you guys.  
Thought for the Day (a motto here at NCC): Work like it depends on you and Pray like it depends on God!  Through God, all things are possible.