
I am overwhelmed today with the sense of compassion that God has for His people. As we drove around yesterday in one of the uncomfortable parts of D.C., i couldn't help thinking the thought in my mind, "they know not what they do". It made me realize what a powerful responsibility we have as Christ"ians" to share the love and hope that is only found in Christ.  I was reminded of the despair and destruction that God brought me from which brought a sense of purpose and excitement that over-rid all sense of fear and uncomfortableness.  Every flyer and every poster handed out was accompanied with a fervent prayer to the Lord to save His people and bring them to a life saving knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ.  After the day was over, it also made me realize how comfortable i was in "my" Christianity.  Man did that make me feel like a loser.  

Today, are you comfortable in your walk with Christ?  Have you done anything lately that made you feel very nervous or uncomfortable in an effort to share the love and hope in Jesus? If not, what are you doing? Evaluate your walk today using the Word of God.  Are you loving God with all your heart and strength?  Are you providing for anyone in need?  Are you concerned with others, or just consumed with yourself?  Be encouraged today.  Jesus is calling you closer to himself today so they we can be more effective for His kingdom tomorrow.  


Anonymous said...

great to catch your updates here! I love the name of your blog and to hear of how you are being the hands and feet of Jesus....I'm so excited that you have been given this xclnt opportunity!

sometimes the Lord has had me roll up to homeless people and give them food and pray for them. It is awesome that this is your JOB!