Thanks again for subscribing to my free blog updates. I wanted to make sure that you knew that I have moved my blog to a different carrier and we could continue our interactions together. I would also like to ask you a favor or two.

If you have found my blog posts valuable, would you take a moment to subscribe to my new site? You can do this easily by clicking on subscribe tab on the right column directly underneath my profile picture (on the new site). After you subscribe, the posts will automatically be sent to your inbox so you can view them at your convenience.

Would you also consider sharing my posts with others that you think may benefit? I have made this really easy to do by placing share options at the end of each post. You can click on any one of them and immediately share with others through facebook, twitter, and email.

Also, I would welcome any input you may have about my blog. You can simply comment on this message if you'd like to.

Warm regards,

www.jasonyost.org (click here to view my new blog)