Had a great weekend. Finished up the Wild Goose Chase Series talking about the Cage of Fear. The message really hit home to a lot of people. Fear is such a CAPITAL Letter in most of our lives. It is such a great accomplishment when we learn to define our fears and face them. It is He that helps us overcome and turns those fears from CAPITAL to lower case.
Tonight is Alpha Group #2. Shelly and I are very excited about leading a group this semester. We will be leading the ASL group together this semester. I think it is the first one we have had at ALPHA. We are so excited!! Pray for us as we do our best to learn ASL. Shelly is a few steps ahead of me. She was able to take it in her undergrad. Together we are just thrilled at the opportunity to learn a new language and communicate the person of Jesus Christ. What a privilege!!
Catalyst is coming up as well. Oct 8-10 we will make the trek to Atlanta for the big conference. Always excited to go to ATL. This is the best conference that I have gone to. The travel and the money is definitely worth it! Can't wait.

Thought for the Day: Who ever said that our destiny in life is to arrive safely at death? If you find yourself bored with your current status in life or very unfulfilled, maybe its time you step out and do something out of the ordinary to glorify God. Maybe that is giving a big financial gift? Maybe its leading a small group or getting more involved in your church. Perhaps its connecting with a co-working and simply making new friends? Maybe its becoming a foster parent or going forward with the adoptions plans? What if it's quitting your job, selling your house, moving, and going after that Big God Dream in your heart? Who knows? Only you do. My suggestion= what are you waiting for? you have nothing to loose but everything to gain!!

Weekend Services

Gearing up for our weekend services. Putting Popcorn boxes together for our visitors. So excited about this weekend. Pastor Mark will conclude the Wild Goose Chase Series and communicate about the Cage of Fear!! The Big "F" word that captures a huge number of folk. Discussing ways to balance out our services number wise. Its a great problem to have but we strongly dislike sending away people every Saturday night. However, we are so blessed to have the opportunity to provide multiple services in multiple locations. Great progressive problems. Bring it!! haha..if you have any ideas let us know.

Leadership 101

Learning some key points of leadership as Shelly and I embrace a new environment and step out in our influence. Jesus ofcourse was the prime example to us for leadership. His life exuded leadership in the most perfect of ways. One major point of leadership is serving. One will automatically bring down walls of pride and unfamiliarity when the act of service is portrayed. Serving people earns respect and relational credit that promotes or births longevity. On the other hand, demanding respect out of a leadership "title" pretty much guarantees failure and ineffectiveness. Today I want to become a leader that portrays the image and/or person of Christ.

Questions for the Day: Who are you serving? How are you serving others? How can you do better to serve others?

Elephant in the Church

We have spent the last couple days brainstorming for our new series Elephant in the Church. We had an all staff Big Idea meeting yesterday to increase the creative flow. It went awesome. We got some really good ideas on some sermon topics to bring up during the series. The Elephant in the Church series was designed to discuss the tough topics that arise in our world and the "church" world everyday yet we hesitate to discuss it. We are really excited about the series and have some great ideas about branding it and making it stick around the community. Don't be surprised if you see a live elephant grazing on the deck at Ebz. Ha!

Today though, I shall do my very best to have a nice relaxing day off. Tonight we gather at the Batterson's for a nice meal time and corn hole tourney i am sure. Enjoy the day.

Thought for the Day: "Without His assistance I cannot succeed. However, with His assistance I cannot fail!" -Abe Lincoln

वीकएंड Highlights

What a great weekend we had here at NCC. Saturday night services were geat. Even got a surprise visit from my family from the Shore. That was a very cool surprise followed by some Mac. Grille which is never a disappointment. Sunday services were great too. Got to connect with a church planter from TX who is looking to plant in Denver real soon. So awesome to make those connections and hear what God is doing in the hearts of people across the nation. Last night we got some much needed down time and yes, yes, yes, the Eagles beat the Steelers!!! I watched more football last night than I have in years. It was great!! Also thanks to the wonderful visitors that came Sunday morning. It was so great to see you. We are truly blessed by you!!!


Shelly and I are hanging out at the PYM Youth Pastors Conference this weekend. Having a blast reconnecting with some great friends and meeting some new leaders as well. We got to hang down at the Inner Harbor today too. Much fun! We are so honored to be in a place to serve and invest in leaders. We head back tomorrow for services. So excited about the services this weekend. Pastor Mark will continue the Wild Goose Series and focus on the "Cage of Failure" this weekend. So stoked and ready for God to do some big things! I should get back to paying attention now. I'll add some pics of our weekend when we get back.


Working on getting some very cool promo products for our upcoming sermon series. Its fun thinking of creative ways to get the message out. I enjoyed my day off yesterday. I got revenge on sleep that was was overdue. I am meeting with a Church Planter today from TX to talk about all things "Church Planting". Should be cool to here whats happening down in TX. Shelly and I are heading to PYM Youth Pastor Conference this afternoon for a couple days. Will be great to reconnect with some old friends and make some new ones!! Also, we'll be gearing up for this weekends services. I am very excited about that!!

Thought for today: Traffic is Horrible!!


Checking out Demographics and brainstorming possible outreaches today. I love dreaming big and getting the creative juices flowing. One of the core values here at NCC is "everything is an experiment". So whatever we think of, we just do it and try it and see how it works. No pressure added! Its a great environment to work around. Pray for us today as we think of ways to connect with people.
We are going to see the Jim Henson exhibit today at the Smithsonian. Exciting!! Back to the puppet days. Wohoo!! Found out that the original Kermit the Frog was made out of Henson's mothers old rain coat. Ha! That is creativity in the making.

Services were packed out this weekend.  We had great times! Each serviced concluded with a connection cafe where we greeted new guests and gave them the download on the church.  They were given the nifty pop corn boxes with all the materials of the church inside.  We had lots of visitors this week.  I love it!  We also had catacombs last night.  This is an extended worship service at Ebs.  This is an awesome opportunity to come and just worship and pray and get into God's presence with no agenda or time frame.  Great times!!

Alpha Training

Has Alpha training at Ebs this morning.  So great to connect with volunteer leaders here at NCC.  Great synergy here. Love it.  Had a good connection lunch afterwards at Union.  Shelly and I are so excited about being here.  We are now gearing up for two services tonight then a connection cafe after where we will be able to meet some new visitors.  The ministry of the church is off the chain.  The local church is indeed the hope of the world.  

Tonight Pastor Mark will be preaching about the cage of guilt.  Tune in on to check the sermon.  It should be up hopefully by tuesday or wednesday.
Live it up!!!

No Pain, No Gain

John 12:24-28

"The hour has come for the Son on Man to be glorified.  I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will loose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.
Now my heart is troubled and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour? No, It was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!" (bold added by me) 

The struggle between me and Him is great.  However the moment I release and yield to Him, the reward is much greater.  In the way a kernel dies to produces many crops, we too must first die before producing much fruit for the kingdom of God.  Jesus in the same way, felt for a moment the struggle between me and Him.  However, Jesus did not remain in that moment.  His response is one that we all should follow...."what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour? NO, it was for this very reason I came to this hour."  Wow, what a response!  

In this hour, whatever you are facing today. Know this: 1. Jesus has been where you are and has felt the same emotions you are feeling. 2. Be very encouraged in that it was for this very hour that you are here! Yield to Him today, the reward will be far greater than you can imagine.

Sept 11th

City is remembering today the events of Sept 11th.  Seven years ago today.  Seems like it was yesterday. I remember exactly where I was when it happened and what I was doing. Crazy!! 

We are gearing up for the weekend service.  Have 2 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday that I will be apart of.  We have connection time after each weekend service this weekend so we will have a chance to meet visitors and new comers over some nice city pizza.  So excited about the services this weekend.  Pastor Mark will be preaching on the Cage of Guilt, from his new book Wild Goose Chase.  If you have not read it yet, make sure you pick of a copy.  Its a must read.  Warning: Not for the complacent or comfortable! It will change your life. 

Be praying for us as we gear up for the weekend.  Shelly and I are so excited about serving and meeting new people.  Come and visit 5 & 630 saturday nights!!!


Ha!! ok i just figured out how to respond to your comments personally.  I just make a comment myself under your comment.  So check back under the comment link so we can connect back and forth. Hahah!! I am a little slow at times but I will catch on:)

Today is my day off. I am going to send out some more support letters to try and recruit some more partners.  Pray for us today as we send them out.  I am stoked with excitement as to what God is doing in our lives and in DC particularly.  We just found out yesterday that we have 100 small groups this semester!! This is awesome.  God is enlarging our territory and giving us major opportunity to influence the influencers.  Praise God!!

Found out yesterday that I will be the point pastor for the Ebenezers location with a 5 & 630pm Saturday service.  I will also be leading worship at either the Union or Ballston location on Sunday mornings.  We would be thrilled for anyone to come and visit.  Hit us up and let us know you are coming so we can look for you.  Keep the prayers a-comin as we step forward in our responsibilities.  Did I mention how exciting this is!! We feel like we are living in a dream. Thanks again for all your love and support.  

Thought for the Day:  The difference between living Your dream and living God's You.  Today, are you living at your full potential?  Are you giving your best and what you are doing right now? Be faithful in the small things and just wait....wait and see what God does! Be encouraged today!! You are the difference maker.

Protege Day

What an awesome day.  It was officially deemed Protege Day.  Today I was able to meet the other 6 Proteges, and the entire NCC staff.  We had a great time connecting with each other and sharing our stories about how we got to this point.  Man we get to hang with some great people.  I was so encouraged to hear their stories.  Today we got a tour of DC and the 4 locations along with a detailed history of National Community Church.  Such a cool story of what God has done.  You could tell there were some major sacrifices made to get to where they are.  Those stories are so encouraging and inspiring.  I felt very welcome today and totally excited about what God is doing in our lives.  We are expecting great things for this year.  We know with everything inside of us that we were created for such a time as this.  Pray for us as we get our feet wet and walk towards Jesus as He leads us through.  Thanks for all your prayers.  Come visit us on a Saturday night at Ebenezers for a service...5pm & 630.  We would love to see you!!

Also, we got an update on support today.  Thanks so much to all of those who are partnering with us this year.  I can not tell you what a blessing you are to us and to the kingdom.  It means so very much to know the support that is behind you.  Each of you are a crucial part of what happens this year in DC.  Everywhere we go and everything we do, you go with us.  Thank you so much.  We pray blessing, tenfold, upon your life, your family, and your ministry.  

If you are interested in partnering with us for the year, please email me at and I would be happy to send you some more information about how you can do that.  We still need to raise 2,300 more dollars in monthly support.  Anything you can do will make a difference.  Consider partnering with us today.  Thanks so much, again thanks for all your prayers and love.  We feel it everyday.  Be blessed!

Talk to you tomorrow:)

What a Monday

Played 36 holes of golf today to support FCA.  Someone has got to do it.  It did not help my soreness at all though.  Got a few articles on Convoy.  Thought I would share some links.  Thanks again for all your prayers towards us.  Keep the comments coming, love em.  Day 1 at NCC begins tomorrow.  Shelly and I are so excited!!! Sleep well, we shall resume tomorrow:)

Convoy of Hope- Washington D.C.

What an amazing day it was.  We, along with 50 other churches and 1200 volunteers, had the wonderful privilege of blessing over 10,000+ people today at RFK Stadium through the Convoy of Hope.  Today, thousands of people received prayer, groceries, hair-cuts, make-overs, completed job resumes, jobs, family portraits, food, bikes, televisions, ect.  What an awesome experience it was to just bless people just because, no strings attached.  So many smiles and so many connections to Jesus.  We were the hands and feet of Jesus today.  We totally loved the Lord with all of our strength today. Now, we can barely walk without limping haha.  I am having a tough time describing today in words so here are a few pictures that helped capture the moment.  Thanks to everyone for all their prayers for us today!! We could feel God's presence so near today!!

Once Shelly uploads all the pics we'll send you a link to view them.


Storm Chasers

We chatted with FEMA and Homeland Security this morning and they recommended that we postpone Convoy until tomorrow. Something about putting over 10,000 people in harms way of the storm or something.  Oh well, we know with full confidence that God has the perfect plan and timing for this outreach.  Maybe, just maybe tomorrow will meet the greatest need.  Amen. We are just waiting out the storm today.  I got to say, its very nice to have a day with nothing to do but read, relax, sleep, and eat.  I am liking it!!

Check out Shelly's new  Tune in daily and show some love by commenting.  We love you all.  Enjoy your day Chasing the Storm!!!


Man it feels good to work hard and sweat it out for the Lord.  We have been setting up at RFK for the big Saturday event.  If you know me, you know that rarely do I enjoy dirt on my hands or eating food without washing my hands.  But not today baby..haha.  Laying it all out for souls.  Every chair and every table set up is a soul that can changed forever.  Every bead of sweat and every shirt ruined is a life that can be changed.  That is why we do this.  That is why we sacrifice.  Please continue to pray for us this Saturday.  Pray that we would get up to 1200 volunteers, some of you need to just come and quit praying:) Pray that the weather holds of until after Saturday!! Pray that a harvest of people show. We are expecting somewhere around 10,000 people.  Bring it on. Let the games begin.  Go Skins!! hahaha 

Shelly and I will take some picks and put them up. I know..i know some of you are wishing i had a pic up today of me filled with dirt and muck.  Not a chance:) Love you guys.  
Thought for the Day (a motto here at NCC): Work like it depends on you and Pray like it depends on God!  Through God, all things are possible.

Stretch Arm-Strong

This morning I am reminded of the infamous action figure, "stretch arm-strong".  Remember that guy?  You could pull him and stretch his extremities as far as you would like and they would never break.  He was the man.  Anywho....that is what i feel like today.  God is stretching me and in the natural I feel like i could not possibly be stretched anymore.  However, as he is stretching me, all the mess that I picked up along the way and do not need is falling by the waist-side, praise God!  Stretching is a good thing!! Embrace it, cause when you return back to regular posture, you will be better than ever and ready for His purpose.  Be encouraged today.  

Hey, thanks for all the comments!! Please keep them coming. To comment, just click on the word comment at the end of each blog and type away.  Thanks.  Peace!! 


I am overwhelmed today with the sense of compassion that God has for His people. As we drove around yesterday in one of the uncomfortable parts of D.C., i couldn't help thinking the thought in my mind, "they know not what they do". It made me realize what a powerful responsibility we have as Christ"ians" to share the love and hope that is only found in Christ.  I was reminded of the despair and destruction that God brought me from which brought a sense of purpose and excitement that over-rid all sense of fear and uncomfortableness.  Every flyer and every poster handed out was accompanied with a fervent prayer to the Lord to save His people and bring them to a life saving knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ.  After the day was over, it also made me realize how comfortable i was in "my" Christianity.  Man did that make me feel like a loser.  

Today, are you comfortable in your walk with Christ?  Have you done anything lately that made you feel very nervous or uncomfortable in an effort to share the love and hope in Jesus? If not, what are you doing? Evaluate your walk today using the Word of God.  Are you loving God with all your heart and strength?  Are you providing for anyone in need?  Are you concerned with others, or just consumed with yourself?  Be encouraged today.  Jesus is calling you closer to himself today so they we can be more effective for His kingdom tomorrow.  

Prelim Week

I have started my prelim week here at NCC.  This morning and into the afternoon we drove all through SE DC and handed out flyers for our Convoy of Hope outreach this Saturday.  Man what a great opportunity to serve the people of DC and just Bless them just because. I must say, i was a bit nervous the entire time:)  I am so excited about this weekend.  Please think about coming to volunteer and help promote the cause and serve the people of DC.  Check out the web page @ All the info is on there.  Call me to if you have any questions or are interested in coming up.  Love you guys/ Pray for us as God continues to stretch us and mold and make us!! 

Labor Day

Thanks to all those who labored before us so we could not labor on this day! This is the day the Lord has made...REJOICE and be GLAD in it.  Enjoy yourself today. DO not take yourself so seriously today.  You deserve a day to relax.  Lets enjoy it together.  Be blessed.  Love you all.  Over and Out. We shall recon tomorrow as same time:)