Easter Celebration & 5th Location

This weekend is bumping with lots of celebration and events here at NCC. This Friday we will start the Holiday with 2 Good Friday services at our Ebenezers Location at 5pm & 630pm. On Saturday we will host our annual Easter Eggstravaganza at Lincoln Park on Capitol Hill and Quincey Park in Ballston. After the Egg Hunt you can come on back to Ebenezers for our Baptismal Service that will happen at 630pm. Finally, on Sunday, you can choose from one of our 5 locations and 9 services. We'll add a new location to the mix this Sunday as well with our newest launch at Gala Theater in Upper NW. So mark your calendar for one or all of these celebration opportunities and we'll see you there!!

Dream Team

Here and Now

We have a saying here at NCC that goes like this, "a change of pace + a change of pace = a change of perspective". Its true isn't it? Especially when it comes to missions trips. We sacrifice time, money, and energy.  Travel to a place we have never been to before and are not familiar with and boom. Something clicks. I love the feeling. It's like you are really walking out the pages of scripture. You are no longer reading stories that don't make sense to you. You are living the words written in the Bible. You are trusting God with all your heart and leaning on Him with everything because you have no cognitive category of where you are or how to navigate through it. That is how it was for us in Nicaragua. We were reading through the pages of Jeremiah and they were becoming so real to us as we spent the days destroying the old facility and tearing down walls to build up new ones. It was awesome! It was all good! The problem however is often times found in the return to normal life. The change in pace and place is good and it will bring a change of perspective to your life, but most importantly, are you walking obediently to the pages of scripture when  you are right in the middle of the place where God has placed you. If the Bible only comes alive to you when you leave the country for a week then something is terribly wrong. In the same way God uses you across the world, He desires to use you across the cubicle. In the same faith you practice in an unfamiliar land, God wants you to practice the same faith in your very familiar neighborhood. So what is it going to take? Maybe apply the same thought to your everyday life. Change up your normal schedule. Throw in a curve ball and force yourself to get uncomfortable and go in a different direction and watch what God can do. He has called you to be a prophet to the nations and that means right here and right now!

Team Nica

We had such a great team in Nicaragua. There were 17 of us. Which means 17 different backgrounds and personalities. However, we meshed so well into a family so quickly. One of the girls comments on the last day was, "we are like one big non-dysfunctional family, i could not have picked it any better". God did some amazing things in us and through us. I was reminded of the scripture in Corinthians when Paul talks about the body of Christ. We are all different parts that make up the full body. I think we all got a better understanding of that verse on this trip. I loved the fact that we represented different cultures and language on our team as well. Each day we blessed our meal in a different language. Some of the different languages were: English, Spanish, ASL, Nicaraguan Sign, Cantonese, amd Southern Virgina:). We were all acting as one body throughout our week. It just felt good. Everyone was doing what they were created to do. As a result there were no insults, bickering, quarrels, or anything of the such. It was a miracle in the making:) I wonder if at home (USA), if we were all doing what we were created to do, and not trying to be people we were not, if there would be more fulfillment, more accomplished, and less quarreling. There is something to think about!

Nica Reflections

From before you were born, you stepped into a story that was written by God. In Jeremiah 1 the Bible reads that "before you were in your mother's womb, He knew you." God had a story in mind for you since before you were even breathing air. What an amazing concept. Stories can be so powerful. We can loose ourselves in stories and they can even be a catalyst of change in our lives. Some of us will never be the same because of some of the stories that we have heard, seen, or experienced. Last week 17 of us got the opportunity to share in the story that God is writing in Nicaragua. Its amazing enough to know that God is the author of your story and on top of that He gives us moments to be a part of someone Else's story too. God is such an amazing author and orchestrator of life. What an awesome privilege to be the ink in His book. Are you living the story of God? Are you allowing God to write your story, or are your writing your own? His-story never ends. What are on the pages of your story? It's never too late to hand over the pen!

Nicaragua 2010 Final Day

This is our last night in Nicaragua. God has done so many amazing things. I am finding it hard to put into words at this time. We worked hard and long each day and gave all we had. We loved God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. The pages of scripture has come alive to us here as we have walked through the book of Jeremiah as a team. God called us to another nation to tear down the walls and build them back up again. We have had four days of demolition and today, our final day, we dug a trent to lay the new foundation. We are so humbled to be a part of God’s story here in Nicaragua. Our final reading as a team came today in Jeremiah 50. What an amazing feeling to walk out the pages of scripture:
4 “In those coming days,”
says the Lord,
“the people of Israel will return home
together with the people of Judah.
They will come weeping
and seeking the Lord their God.
5 They will ask the way to Jerusalem[c]
and will start back home again.
They will bind themselves to the Lord
with an eternal covenant that will never be forgotten.
We have given of ourselves for such a time as this. That those who are lost and without justice or hope could come home and find a place in God’s story here at La Puerta Cafe de El Camino Iglesia!!
Gracias Jesús para esta vez que hemos tenido que compartir juntos. Pueda esta historia continúa ser escrita en los corazones para siempre. Amén

Nicaragua 2010 Day 2

We accomplished some more demolition today. 2 more walls came down and we hauled hundreds of pounds of rubble off to another site. It was another scorcher at 95+. One moment today was considerably special. Right after we finished blasting the first hole in the wall before lunch, Matt (the missionary here), grabbed the sledge hammer and started hitting the wall himself. One by one pieces flew off and the team cheered him on. He wasn't able to hear our cheers but you could feel the encouragement in the air. The vibe was big. He was swinging away and we were cheering away at the top of our voices. It reminded me of the time when the Israelites were in battle and as long as Moses hands were in the air they were winning. When Moses got tired and his arms fell, they started to loose. Then others came along to encourage him by holding up his hands right along side of Moses. In the end they won the battle. In the same way we are here as a team to lift us the hands of the Barlows. They have been doing this long before we got here and will continue to press on as we leave. As we were watching him hit that wall I was so honored and encouraged to be a part of this vision. Matt is a little older and less in shape so it made the story seem that much more inspiring as he was pounding away at the walls and they came crashing down. Their investment here has prepared the way for walls to come crashing down and due to God's amazing grace we get to be a part of the story. What a feeling! Off to dinner again. We are heading out tonight for the church service. The Pastor asked if I would share the Word tonight so say a prayer and believe with us tonight. We have our fun day tomorrow. We will be going to explore a Volcano, view a lookout spot at Granada, and shop a bit at the Mercado. Thanks for your prayers. Well update again soon.

Nicaragua 2010 Day 1

We made it safe here in Managua. Its 95 degrees! We started day 1 with demolition to tear down and make way for the coffee house. Its no coincidence that while we were swinging the sledge hammer, we were singing, "tear down theses walls...and hope us rising.., and the church is called "the way" Go figure! That seems to be the theme of our trip. We are tearing down the walls of injustice among the deaf and building up to provide others the opportunity to see "the way"! Dinner time...

LXVI- Jeremiah 24-26

We are up to chapter 27 now and its easy to feel like you have read the same chapter 27 times. I mean come on people, listen to the man sent by God already! How many more times and in how many more ways can one persuade you to return back to God before you and your whole nation becomes dismantled like rotten figs? Now, we find ourselves at the end of chapter 26 and it concludes leaving you on the edge of your page, wondering what is going to happen next. When I finished reading the chapter I could hear the beep..beep..beepbeepbeep...stay tuned for next weeks scenes of chapter 27. Jeremiah found himself in a tight spot. What were the people going to do to him? As we read in the parenthetical paragraph we see what happened the last time someone spoke out publicly like this and challenged the people. It wasn’t pretty. I couldn’t help but try and put myself in the moment and think about what Jeremiah might have been feeling. Was he scared? Was he feeling a sense of excitement and destiny? I would guess he was probably feeling a bit of both. He was living an adventure. The best part of that is Jeremiah was living an adventure established by God. So whatever the outcome, he could never go wrong. How thrilling and exciting, right? Jeremiah is not pressured by the cultural norm or the pattern of the world. He is not backing down because he is the only one in the classroom or the cubical that is a believer. He is on a mission, sent by God to tell His story in order to save a nation. My friends, the same is true for us. If we are honest, the similarities between the nation of Israel then and our nation now are pretty great. God has sent you on a mission to tell the story of God. The weight and value of that message has the power to influence generations beyond your existence. Let me say that from a different angle: You have the opportunity to influence your classmate or co-worker in such a way that can change the course of their history, their children’s history and their children’s history forever and ever. Wow! How cool that God would give us the privilege to take part in this story. So let me ask you. What are you doing right now, this minute, wherever you are? Are you allowing the cultural norm to sway you? Do you feel out numbered? God has placed you where you are in this season for a reason. Do you want to get away? Or do you want to jump into chapter 27 and live the adventure of God? The end of the story is up to you..you get to choose your own adventure!

Formula ONE

Our ABILITY to find the right path depends on our SUBMISSION to GOD. (read it again)
Show me where you made a bad decision and I will show you where you did not submit to God. Show me a decision you made that brought glory to God and put you on the correct path and I will show you where you willfully submitted to God.Remember that your everyday, simple decisions are what lead you to your destination! God cares more about our response to His Spirit's leading today in this moment than about what we intend to do next year.


Trust in the LORD with all your heart 
and lean not on your own understanding;
 in all your ways acknowledge him, 
and he will make your paths straight.

Lately I have been reminded and challenged by this Proverb. May these words of faith, hope, and love cover you like a blanket in your time of great need.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding
This terminology of trust is related to the idea of lying helplessly facedown. Vulnerable and dependant upon God.
Lean not- “do not prop your self up with”….the pattern of this world, your own conventional wisdom
We are to lean in his direction alone and not part with what we feel in our hearts. That is way easier said than done because we are all prone to fall on how things feel or look at the time but cannot afford to live by those standards alone. There is too much at stake here. Lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Notice here is says in ALL your ways. It doesn’t say in most of your ways. In all..meaning in your dating ways, your financial ways, your educational ways, your professional ways, your leisure ways. Not just on Sunday ways or only when people are watching ways..ALL means ALL!
Acknowledge Him- we see who He is in our lives and respond accordingly. What's the proper response, Submission. We release control of every arena of our existence.
And finally, when we do that, He will direct our path. If you get these things right…the right path will be obvious. If you trust God and refuse to lean on your limited understanding of the world, the best path will become so unmistakably clear. Divine direction begins with unconditional submission.
Proverbs 3:5-6


We are leaving for Nicaragua very soon. So excited to make the trek with our team. There is nothing more satisfying then living in community with others and living to share the hope of Christ with other Nations. Pray for us as we travel to help build and establish a local coffeehouse for the Deaf and minister in a Deaf School in Managua Nicaragua March 15-21