Here and Now

We have a saying here at NCC that goes like this, "a change of pace + a change of pace = a change of perspective". Its true isn't it? Especially when it comes to missions trips. We sacrifice time, money, and energy.  Travel to a place we have never been to before and are not familiar with and boom. Something clicks. I love the feeling. It's like you are really walking out the pages of scripture. You are no longer reading stories that don't make sense to you. You are living the words written in the Bible. You are trusting God with all your heart and leaning on Him with everything because you have no cognitive category of where you are or how to navigate through it. That is how it was for us in Nicaragua. We were reading through the pages of Jeremiah and they were becoming so real to us as we spent the days destroying the old facility and tearing down walls to build up new ones. It was awesome! It was all good! The problem however is often times found in the return to normal life. The change in pace and place is good and it will bring a change of perspective to your life, but most importantly, are you walking obediently to the pages of scripture when  you are right in the middle of the place where God has placed you. If the Bible only comes alive to you when you leave the country for a week then something is terribly wrong. In the same way God uses you across the world, He desires to use you across the cubicle. In the same faith you practice in an unfamiliar land, God wants you to practice the same faith in your very familiar neighborhood. So what is it going to take? Maybe apply the same thought to your everyday life. Change up your normal schedule. Throw in a curve ball and force yourself to get uncomfortable and go in a different direction and watch what God can do. He has called you to be a prophet to the nations and that means right here and right now!