Nica Reflections

From before you were born, you stepped into a story that was written by God. In Jeremiah 1 the Bible reads that "before you were in your mother's womb, He knew you." God had a story in mind for you since before you were even breathing air. What an amazing concept. Stories can be so powerful. We can loose ourselves in stories and they can even be a catalyst of change in our lives. Some of us will never be the same because of some of the stories that we have heard, seen, or experienced. Last week 17 of us got the opportunity to share in the story that God is writing in Nicaragua. Its amazing enough to know that God is the author of your story and on top of that He gives us moments to be a part of someone Else's story too. God is such an amazing author and orchestrator of life. What an awesome privilege to be the ink in His book. Are you living the story of God? Are you allowing God to write your story, or are your writing your own? His-story never ends. What are on the pages of your story? It's never too late to hand over the pen!