God is...

This is our third week on our five week "God is" series. This series has been so effective in challenging people to open themselves up to God and embracing the unknown and/or the uncomfortable in their lives. So far the topics have been God is BIG and God is JEALOUS. God is incomparable to anyone or anything in the world and He is also wanting you and me to be in relation with Him. He is all about relating to us and living among us as our loving Father. I have been so challenged and encouraged at the same time to open my eyes up to how BIG God is and HOW DEEP and HOW WIDE His LOVE is for ME. 

This week Pastor Mark will continue the series with God is SPIRIT. As this weekend is Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Mark will share on how the Holy Spirit is our guide and always leads us to perfect Truth. If you are not able to attend our weekend services you can tune into our webcast to view each week's message. I pray that it challenges you and works to alter your perspective on God just as it has for me.

Heading to Never Never Land

Heading out on a much needed vaca. I am going to check out of the blogesphere for a while. I will return soon. Until then always value people. They are the prize. When you are to busy for the ones you love, you are too busy period! You own your life so do something about it. Boom Done!! Not sure where that came from, maybe its for someone. Love yas!

Window of Opportunity

I have thought for the longest time that one day I would write a book on this topic and it came up again yesterday. Maybe i need to stop procrastinating and take my own advice and just start writing and make it happen. Anyway, by now I guess you are thinking, "what's the topic?" "Tell me already!!" Without much processing thought..here it goes:

God is so amazing at orchestrating things. He is so amazing in fact that He will orchestrate things and provide in ways that we have not even thought of. For instance, Shelly and I just got a place on Capitol Hill that is about 1000 more sq. feet than what we were originally looking for and is way out of our price range. How did we get it you ask? Well, God provided. For 7 months we have been tirelessly searching for a place on the Hill that would enable us to have more community in the place were we work. For so long we looked, visited, and budgeted with zero success. It got down right frustrating in fact. Than one day, we decided to put the search on hold because of the emotional turmoil it was putting on us each week and month. Then, out of nowhere we ran into someone who presents this place to us in such a way that each of us could not deny God's work at hand. So, we kindly accepted and now have a place that more than meets our needs and has provided community and ministry opportunities that we did not have before. We are living in a $500,000 some dollar house with only one income. Only God can figure those numbers!
I don't believe those things just happened though. One would not get the full scope of the story or provision unless I told you the back story. The back story is- Shelly and I felt Gods call to leave everything that was comfortable to us and move to a place that would stretch us and train us to do what God has called us to. So, we rented out our house, I left my former job and we moved into my in-laws house and lived in their basement and commuted to DC everyday for 45 miles each way for 7 months. I believe that our obedience when we didn't see the provision or the logistics is what brought the blessings in provision.
Read the book of Joshua. The road is not always paved with a red carpet and big neon signs telling you where to go and exactly what to do. That is where faith comes in. You just have to do it. When you do, the road is marked with monumental memories of Gods faithfulness and provision and such a life of adventure. It breaks my heart of all the times I hear of people who believe with all their heart that God has called them to something great but they don't take the leap of faith to make the first step. Then, when nothing happens they think that God wasn't leading and they step back and remain in the place where they were. In a sense, they miss their window of opportunity. This is the most frightening place to be. One gets comfortable and accepts what is easy and forfeits the opportunity to live life in abundance. Passions begin to fall and at times even convictions. 
However, the good news is...it's never to late with God. The door is always open. The question is....is your door open? Because everyday He stands at your door and knocks..wanting to give you a life of opportunity!!

Crime & Punishment Museum

A fellow NCCer is the C.O.O. of the National Crime and Punishment Museum here in DC and she gave us a tour last week. Pretty cool place. It was a little erie reading up on all of the serial killers and mass murders. However, it was neat reading up on the western outlaws and those who made their careers in robbery. Bonnie and Clyde are one of those who made their living off of others people's money. Their vehicle is shown above with massive amounts of bullet holes. Since its in my blood, I especially enjoyed the CSI level with all the crime lab stuff to view. The whole time I was think, man my dad would love this:) Then finally the bottom floor holds the set of Americas Most Wanted. They film every Saturday night. It was cool to see it all. Overall a good stop if you are every in the DC area looking for fun things to do and view.


Just booked our tickets to FL for a little vacation. So excited to have the chance to get away for a bit. Last time Shelly and I were in FL we spotted a manatee while we were diving. Who knows what well run into this time! Sunny Florida here we come!!

Week/end Reflections

Over the past few weeks I have been reminded of Acts 1:8. My daily readings, along with the particular classes I am taking right now have lead me back to this portion of scripture and the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit. On top of that, last week I sat in on a session with Oral Roberts University along with a few key leaders around the nation to discuss the direction of the next generation and how the Holy Spirit is received into the culture. I feel as though I am on a swinging pendulum. When I started out I was all about the Holy Spirit and its manifestations but as I progressed, or perhaps digressed for that matter, I was hesitant to openly provide an environment to allow people to experience in the Holy Spirit in a non-controlled manner. We all have had our experiences that have turned us off, or at least some of us. However, I feel the pendulum swinging the other way as of late. My readings are more and more pointed towards the Holy Spirit and His purpose for our lives. My prayer time is more and more focused on the need for the Holy Spirit in my life. My performance, or daily living time is more aware that I am able to do nothing without the influence of the Holy Spirit in my life. I need the Holy Spirit in my life. We need the Holy Spirit in our lives. After all, it was those moments that were a little weird and uncontrollable that catapulted my faith and brought me into who I am today. So why am I so concerned about controlling something and not offended someone? I am not sure. I want to walk with the Holy Spirit in this and allow Him to teach me whatever it is that I need to learn. As we finished up our influence series this week I have come to the realization. I don't want to just impress people, I want to make a lasting impression on people. There is no way that I am going to that in a positive way without the Holy Spirit in my life.

John 15:

4"Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can't bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can't bear fruit unless you are joined with me.

 5-8"I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you're joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can't produce a thing. Anyone who separates from me is deadwood, gathered up and thrown on the bonfire. But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon. This is how my Father shows who he is—when you produce grapes, when you mature as my disciples.  

The Holy Spirit

As we were conversing about the Holy Spirit today and its relevance and impact on the past, present, and future, I loved what one of the leaders had to say. One of the questions was, "what are you seeing and hearing about the work of the Holy Spirit for this next generation?" His response was that being filled with the Holy Spirit is no longer and was never intended to be a selfish experience where we have an emotional connection and never make any use if it beyond that point. We have all seen and heard of those that are "basking in the presence". But the filling of the Holy Spirit was intended to give us power to become witnesses, as clearly stated in scripture. Good perspective to think about. Jesus always had an outward focus. He was always moving and giving and going. In the same way we need to give and not withhold. This can also relate to those who hop from church to church looking to be fed or filled up instead of participating and giving. But hey that is a whole nutha sermon.

Next Generation Leaders

Acts 1:8 (New Living Translation)

8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

This verse has popped up so many times this week. I am getting ready to sit in on a meeting with a few Christian Leaders from all over the nation along with the board of Oral Roberts University. We are going to discuss the future direction of Spirit Empowered Living. Over the years the terminology and the abuse of the "spirit" has turned heads for our next generation. How do we turn the table over at this point and teach the Biblical truth of the work of the Spirit. This next generation is hungry for it but they want honest and genuine encounters with the person of the Holy Spirit. So let's study and show ourselves approved and get back to life empowered by the Holy Spirit. 

I will post more thoughts as the meeting adjourns. 

Teaching is Crucial

I wrote down a quote that our former District Superintendent shared with us yesterday. We were discussing the future of the church and the relevance of Spirit Filled living in the 21st Century. The context of the conversation was in reference to the "mis-conduct" and/or abuse of the Spirit-filled life and all the components that comes with it. We have all been turned off by a few "christian" tv shows and "holly rollers" that express themselves in a way that we have no cognitive category for. In response to these mishaps and "flakiness", we have leaned towards completely shutting out the work of the Spirit in our lives and in the lives of the church to date. This response is not healthy nor advantageous for any believer. Instead, Dr Rhoden shared that "the answer to abuse is teaching, not shutting down." As leaders we must properly teach the Word and lead by example the life of the Spirit. Good food for thought!! Our responsibility is to teach and live by example. What areas of your life have you shut God out because of witnessed abuse? What do you need to begin to study again and ask God to direct you into walkin gout the scriptures? 

District Council 09

I am at District Council 09 today and tomorrow with Chris Jarrell, Will Johnston, and Mark Batterson. They announced Shelly and I as Church Planters today. Pretty Cool. Now for a quick nap, then Ordination service, then CornHole!

Out of Nowhere

Had our first NCC ASL group meeting last night. We got together with some amazing minds to brainstorm ways that we can reach out to the Deaf Community here in DC. So many ideas kept coming out. The room was totally pregnant with huge dreams and anticipation of them becoming reality. I was so excited to hear all the great thoughts. Now we are going to pray and focus on organizing our small groups this summer that will culminate with an Outreach to the community. Words cannot explain how honored, humbled and excited I am. This dream just came out of nowhere when Shelly and I moved here to DC. Now, our opportunity has almost tripled since we have been here and things are happening that are out of our reach. We are just beside ourselves and so excited to be a part of what God is doing here to connect the hearing and deaf cultures. For what it's worth my dream is that we could be a church/people that bring healing to the hearing and hearing culture and bring unity among all people groups, just as God designed us. Right now, we have no idea what we are doing but we will not stop doing..that is for sure! God is bringing it..out of nowhere!!

Home Sweet Home

We moved to Capitol Hill today, well most of our stuff. We will continue to move for the next week. We still have to get our big stuff from our other house. It has been such a great 7 months anticipating God's provision and waiting for His perfect timing. I love when we experience things that makes the Bible become so real to our everyday lives. For 7 months we waited and looked and tried to make things happen but we could either not afford it, not have a dog, or nothing would be available. But, this house came out of nowhere! We were not looking for it and definitely not expecting it, beings that it is a 3 bedroom house and we were in the market for a one bedroom English Basement. He is more than enough for us. He gave us enough to sustain us and now provided a place for us that we will be able to reach and influence so many more people by opening our home for small groups, dinners, and FUN! We are so blessed and so excited. We could not have done this without the people that have partnered with us for the year. This goes out to those of you who know who you are. I am sure Shelly will get me some pics to post soon. Now its time to eat and sleep and do some more moving in the morning. 

Take this away: whatever you are going through at this time, no matter what it is, God can do exceedingly and abundantly more than you could ever ask for or even imagine. Hang in there. Its all for a reason and His timing is absolutely perfect. AMEN!