Teaching is Crucial

I wrote down a quote that our former District Superintendent shared with us yesterday. We were discussing the future of the church and the relevance of Spirit Filled living in the 21st Century. The context of the conversation was in reference to the "mis-conduct" and/or abuse of the Spirit-filled life and all the components that comes with it. We have all been turned off by a few "christian" tv shows and "holly rollers" that express themselves in a way that we have no cognitive category for. In response to these mishaps and "flakiness", we have leaned towards completely shutting out the work of the Spirit in our lives and in the lives of the church to date. This response is not healthy nor advantageous for any believer. Instead, Dr Rhoden shared that "the answer to abuse is teaching, not shutting down." As leaders we must properly teach the Word and lead by example the life of the Spirit. Good food for thought!! Our responsibility is to teach and live by example. What areas of your life have you shut God out because of witnessed abuse? What do you need to begin to study again and ask God to direct you into walkin gout the scriptures?