The Holy Spirit

As we were conversing about the Holy Spirit today and its relevance and impact on the past, present, and future, I loved what one of the leaders had to say. One of the questions was, "what are you seeing and hearing about the work of the Holy Spirit for this next generation?" His response was that being filled with the Holy Spirit is no longer and was never intended to be a selfish experience where we have an emotional connection and never make any use if it beyond that point. We have all seen and heard of those that are "basking in the presence". But the filling of the Holy Spirit was intended to give us power to become witnesses, as clearly stated in scripture. Good perspective to think about. Jesus always had an outward focus. He was always moving and giving and going. In the same way we need to give and not withhold. This can also relate to those who hop from church to church looking to be fed or filled up instead of participating and giving. But hey that is a whole nutha sermon.