Had a great weekend. Finished up the Wild Goose Chase Series talking about the Cage of Fear. The message really hit home to a lot of people. Fear is such a CAPITAL Letter in most of our lives. It is such a great accomplishment when we learn to define our fears and face them. It is He that helps us overcome and turns those fears from CAPITAL to lower case.
Tonight is Alpha Group #2. Shelly and I are very excited about leading a group this semester. We will be leading the ASL group together this semester. I think it is the first one we have had at ALPHA. We are so excited!! Pray for us as we do our best to learn ASL. Shelly is a few steps ahead of me. She was able to take it in her undergrad. Together we are just thrilled at the opportunity to learn a new language and communicate the person of Jesus Christ. What a privilege!!
Catalyst is coming up as well. Oct 8-10 we will make the trek to Atlanta for the big conference. Always excited to go to ATL. This is the best conference that I have gone to. The travel and the money is definitely worth it! Can't wait.

Thought for the Day: Who ever said that our destiny in life is to arrive safely at death? If you find yourself bored with your current status in life or very unfulfilled, maybe its time you step out and do something out of the ordinary to glorify God. Maybe that is giving a big financial gift? Maybe its leading a small group or getting more involved in your church. Perhaps its connecting with a co-working and simply making new friends? Maybe its becoming a foster parent or going forward with the adoptions plans? What if it's quitting your job, selling your house, moving, and going after that Big God Dream in your heart? Who knows? Only you do. My suggestion= what are you waiting for? you have nothing to loose but everything to gain!!