
I have gained a new perspective on the Thanksgiving Holiday this year. In times past, even though it seems quite juvenile because of the name of the holiday, I always viewed thanks giving as more of a "hoarding" day. I couldn't wait to have my time off from work so I could shut myself away in my home with my family and eat lots of food at my table. However, this year my perspective is quite different. I am intrigued by the example that Jesus set by giving up himself and his desires for others. There is nothing that he possessed that He would not give. I wonder if part of our problem is that we spend all of our energies towards acquiring things and holding on to them for dear life? Then comes anxiety, stress, depression, and anger. Whether it was time, money, or energy, Jesus would give it so that others could understand what they have to be thankful for. In a sense, Jesus was a giver-of-thanks. He gave his life so that others could know what they have to be thankful for, an undeserving and live-giving relationship with God. I want to take heed of this example in my own life. I wonder if the answer to every conflict you will ever face If there is a need, give your time, money, and materials. If there is an offense, give forgiveness and love.  If you just don't have enough, give and it shall be given unto you. Give, Give, Give! It's not meant to be just a once a year occurrence. It's a lifetime discipline. I don't know about you but I want to be known as someone who gave!! Let's spend our lives in order to be givers-of-thanks

Takeaway: live your life to possess the ability to give! whatever hinders your ability to give, decide against it!


Alex Penduck said...

Love this Jason. It's a time to give! So thankful Christ gave himself for me!