Tension of Opposites

Starting this week and continuing up to the 1st of the year we go into evaluation mode here at NCC. We look at the past, dissect it, and dream about the future. I enjoy dissecting things. In my mind, everything has room for improvement. I thrive on thinking of ways to make things more productive. As much as I enjoy evaluating and creating, I have to make sure that I am thanking God for what He has done. Tremendous energy and synergy can be had when we look back to remember and thank God for what He has done. Its the tension of opposites. We would do well to be sure to balance ourselves in that tension. Too far on one end and we are ungrateful, greedy, and at times depressed. Too far on the other end and we don't get anything done which can result in mediocrity. Let's continue to be grateful for what God has done and push forward to keep growing and becoming better at what we do and most importantly, who we are becoming.