Catalyst OneDay

Had the opportunity to here some thoughts from Craig Groeschel, Pastor of this week and wanted to pass along some notes about Creating Personal and Spiritual Momentum. This challenged my heart to BE more rather than DOing more.

4 Things you can do today that will enable you to do tomorrow what you cannot do today.
1. Do something to defeat your Dark Side- face your fears and insecurities
2. Create artificial ministry deadlines- you are more productive with a dealine
3. Delegate what someone else can do- don't delegate responsibility, delegate authority
4. Do something only You can do- find it and do it well

If we are not careful, the way that we do the work of God can destroy the work of God in us.

3 Things that only You can do:
1. be a husband or wife to your spouse
2. be a father or mother to your children
3. only You can seek God on Your behalf- no one can do this for you!

Whoop..there it is! These thought really challenged my heart to make some changes..hope they do the same for You.