How the Mighty Fall

Reading Jim Collins, How the Might Fall. Its all about how we can track our status as companies and see where we are in decline before its too late. The tricky thing is, we can already be on the road to decline while we are on on the uphill road to success. There is a lot of good statistical and case study work in the book. I came across a quote in the book about Robert Galvin of Motorola. Motorola is a company that has seen its ups and downs. Currently it is making the trek back up after a huge decline. However, Galvin learned while enduring the history of Motorola that, "it's far better to create your own future repeatedly, than to wait for external forces to dictate your choices." Translation, be on the offense. Playing offense is what creates wins and keeps you in the game. Are you progressing in your life's accomplishments? Is your life bigger and better than it was last year? If not, it is probably because you have been playing defense instead of offense. One of the things I like to do to help me stay on offense is to keep a yearly covenant or goal list. Shelly and I wrote down goals in four different areas (physical, spiritual, financial, & travel) back in December. We will look over it again this month to assess our progress and make changes as needed. Again, this helps with playing offense in our lives instead of waiting around for our circumstances to create us or define who we become. Maybe today you can make a 6 month goal list for the rest of the year? Whatever you do, get on the offense and take initiative in living your life full of success!