The Difference Maker

This weekend my mother and little brother came to visit. We had a blast hitting up all the parks, markets, and monuments. On this particular day I noticed something, or someone, a number of times throughout the day. You know how for no reason one day you will see the same car over and over and over again. Anyway! It was Lincoln. As we were driving around I saw his name or his picture everywhere. Then, when we went to the Lincoln Memorial and even though I have seen it many times, I had this thought. It is so amazing to me that one guy can have such an impact on history. It has been years and years and we are still reading about him and will forever see his enormous figure at the memorial. The ironic thing is that while he was living, he was not as honored for his efforts as he is now. I wonder if he ever thought he would have such a lasting impact on the U.S. as a whole when he was living out his daily life? Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't. I don't know about you, but that inspires me. Every single day is an opportunity to write history in your live and possibly in the lives of the people around you. Did you know how important you life is? How much of a gift it is? What are you doing to make a difference in the world around you? We may not ever read about you in the history books or see your statue at the nation's capitol, but your life can still have a lasting impact on someone's life. For instance, if you ask anyone around you who has had the most influence on their live to date I bet you that you would have no idea who that person was if they named them. Do you read me? That person could be you. You can make a difference as a teacher, beautician, trash collector, tax collector, business owner, graphic designer, mother, father, brother, sister, etc. Every breathe is an opportunity to make a difference. Don't waste it. Leave a legacy worth reading about!!