His Timing is Perfect

Well..its the last week before we move to DC and we still don't have a place as of now.  We are looking at 4 places today. Hopefully they will be good options. We trust God's leading and his lightning bolt that will strike the skies when we walk into the right place. HAHA! We have had lots of calls on our house for rent and two people are bidding on it right now for purchase.  So even though we are no further along, we trust God and His timing as He leads us to the perfect home for our family.  

I start this Tuesday at NCC. We will be gearing up for the big Convoy of Hope on Sept 6th.  What a great opportunity to be the hands and feet of God to the people in DC.  This will be an awesome day.  Check out the site and pray about coming up to join us if you like.  Packing over 80,000 lbs of groceries, school supplies, dentist treatments, hair cuts, physical check-ups and much more.  What a cool way to start our time here in DC.  Be praying for us this week as we canvas the area and get the Word out! Love you all.  

Thought for the day:  If you want to gain your life, you must first loose it.  It is hard yet wise to put your self in a position where you are totally insecure and at an end of yourself.  That is exactly where Jesus becomes so real and so glorified in your life!!  


Unknown said...

So I go to this great coffee shop, Ebenezer's, every week a few blocks from where I work.. so much so that I've got a frequent punch card there. I like what they do there, but was still surprised to get something in the mail from them. I wondered how they got my address and was shocked to find your newsletter instead! That's so awesome that you're going to be working with NCC! I'm very excited to be seeing more of you and Shelly and what God's doing!

-Sarah Megorden

Momma D said...

Hey J and Shelly... I miss you already, but am excited that you are following the Lord's lead! He has great plans for you both... Keep in touch. Momma from Hebron