Big Move

We are packing the UHAUL as I type.  Its so long Eastern Shore.  Keep us in your prayers.  We are going to move in with Shelly's parents until we can raise some support for the future.  Pray for us as we venture out. And pray for no traffic!!!!! We'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Keep the faith Jason. God will see you through. Remember if God calls you to it He'll bring you through it.
He's got a BIG plan for you. I hope you made it over the bridge o.k.
We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Tammy Linton

Carol Dee, CZT said...

We will be praying for a smooth transition. God will give you exactly what He wants you to have to glorify Him. He trusts you to do that - glorify Him. . .Awesome, huh? Putting some "love" in the mail today to the address on your bookmark. . .Love, Carol <><