
We have arrived on the Western Shore.  The bridge was no problem heading west.  If you are heading east...go to florida instead, you'll get there quicker. Ha! 

Shelly and I thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers towards us.  Over the next few weeks we will be aggressively seeking year long partnerships with those who would be willing to team with us to influence the leaders of our world in DC.  What an awesome opportunity we have that becomes a boomerang effect.  We influence world leaders for Christ and in return they influence the world.  God is awesome!! Consider partnering with us today as we pursue the Great Commission in our Nations Capitol. We need your help. We love you guys so much.  Thank you for all your love and support.  We are believing for great things year.  Blessings to all.  Back to decorating our new pad!! New posts to come.  Please comment. We love to hear from you.

Big Move

We are packing the UHAUL as I type.  Its so long Eastern Shore.  Keep us in your prayers.  We are going to move in with Shelly's parents until we can raise some support for the future.  Pray for us as we venture out. And pray for no traffic!!!!! We'll keep you posted.

His Timing is Perfect

Well..its the last week before we move to DC and we still don't have a place as of now.  We are looking at 4 places today. Hopefully they will be good options. We trust God's leading and his lightning bolt that will strike the skies when we walk into the right place. HAHA! We have had lots of calls on our house for rent and two people are bidding on it right now for purchase.  So even though we are no further along, we trust God and His timing as He leads us to the perfect home for our family.  

I start this Tuesday at NCC. We will be gearing up for the big Convoy of Hope on Sept 6th.  What a great opportunity to be the hands and feet of God to the people in DC.  This will be an awesome day.  Check out the site and pray about coming up to join us if you like.  Packing over 80,000 lbs of groceries, school supplies, dentist treatments, hair cuts, physical check-ups and much more.  What a cool way to start our time here in DC.  Be praying for us this week as we canvas the area and get the Word out! Love you all.  

Thought for the day:  If you want to gain your life, you must first loose it.  It is hard yet wise to put your self in a position where you are totally insecure and at an end of yourself.  That is exactly where Jesus becomes so real and so glorified in your life!!  

Clean House!!

We have packed our house up in Salisbury and are looking to move this week.  Man this is so stretching us.  We are packed up and ready to move but still have not secured a place to live. HA! This is awesome.  If you know Shelly and I, we are carnally not cool with this:) But we are learning to let go and lean on the Lord for His perfect provision.  God's timing is perfect. Its our last week and we have had more calls on selling our house than the whole past two months.  Very cool.  We have decided that God knows what he is doing and we will wait on Him.  So exciting.  In the midst of not knowing every detail and planning everything out ahead of time like we would prefer, this is an amazing journey with God. I would rather not know and chase the call than know and live in comfort and apathy.  I leave you with this quote from Craig Groeshcel, "The difference between where you are and where God wants you to be may be the painful decision you refuse to make."

Thanks for the comments...I love hearing back from you..Please keep commenting. (Carol) we will be point pastors of Union Station and Ebenezers.  We begin the second week of Sept so if you come back we shall see you there.  That is so awesome you rode the metro after 44 years and came to visit the church!! Keep chasing that Goose!! HAHA! 

House Hunters cont.

I am in DC today looking at more places for rent.  I think we may have found one. It's perfect location, little small, but we can make it work.  I am overwhelmed with "D" words today.  Destiny, Danger, and Desperation.  Destiny because i am amazed at the grace of God and honor of living His dream for our lives.  Danger because I am aware of the unpredictability of the city surroundings and places of destination that we will partake this year.  However, I do not believe that God called us to live safe and comfortable lives that will hold us over until heaven.  Instead we should live dangerously, led by the Holy Spirits power.  Jesus faced grave danger, the disciples faced grave danger, followers of Christ will face danger in this journey...but Jesus says, "Be STRONG and COURAGEOUS, DO NOT BE DISMAYED, I HAVE ALREADY OVERCOME!! I want to sell out with everything and embrace whatever God has for us this year. Even if it requires a bit of danger, so be it.  And finally desperation because i am so aware of my frailty and weakness.  I am not able to accomplish this destiny in my own strength, power, talents, skills, or anything of my nature.  My only success and hope will be in the WORD of Christ and His life through me.  Be encouraged today.  God has a huge plan for your life and it begins NOW!! 

We love you guys....please keep us in your prayers...we will keep you posted.

Send us Out

We had a last Sunday service yesterday at The Uprising.  Wow will we miss that church and the wonderful people that make it be.  This morning I am filled with reflection.  It has been awesome to see God's hand guide us over the past year.  He is the ultimate orchestrator.  He never ceases to amaze me.  We are so blessed to be apart of this grand story that God is writing. About a year or more ago the Lord gave us a verse in Acts 13.  It read that while they were worshipping and fasting, they laid their hands on them and sent them out.  This word made no sense to us because we were starting full-time at the church when we got it.  Well.....yesterday brought confirmation to God's word.  While we were worshipping and fasting they laid hands on us and sent us out.  Acts 13 was also read over us as they were praying.  What an amazing God we serve!! Be encouraged today. Today God has a special plan for your life.  Be careful to walk in His fullness today.

Heading up tomorrow to look at some more places to rent.  Pray for us!!

House Hunters

Shelly and I are on the hunt now to find the perfect place.  We totally stand on the word that when we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart.  He knows what we need.  We patiently search and wait for His perfect peace.  It has been so very exciting.  The revival at Mt Oak was amazing.  Those people are loved by God and have great vision for their community.  We were so blessed to share a few days with them.  

I am working on bulking up the media team for my last two weeks. Want to make sure everything is taken care of for the transition.  Its very important to me that the media doesn't skip a beat after I leave.  That will be the meter as to how good of a job i did leading the team while I was here.  We will miss The Uprising.  

Word for Today: Trust in the Lord....defy logic, you do not need to understand everything...He has a great plan for you...He knows what is best!!