New Rhythm Project

Shelly and I are in the process of creating an organization that will resource the local church to live up to the standard of James 1:27: "Religion that God the Father accepts as pure and without fault is this: caring for orphans or widows who need help, and keeping yourself free from the world's evil influence." 
Pure and without fault is a heavy adjective. If I am honest, when I think of the church today as a whole, I do not think this is the best adjective for the church. That is a problem. The need is obviously great and there is so much more we can do. So we are currently fleshing out a plan to equip the local church to be the hope for their community. New Rhythm Project will work to educate, advocate, and facilitate for foster care, adoption, & mentoring. Please pray with us as we continue to develop God's plan for NRP. Stay tuned for different ways you can get involved to help the cause. 


Erin Basch said...

WOW. Jason and Shelly the site looks great! What amazing people you both are and glad we get to call you friends and God Parents to our Emily! God is going to use you to help protect and nurture the lost and lonely. LOVE YOU!

Jason Craig said...

How can I get involved? You know you can never have too many "Jasons"

J.Yost said...

Jason I love it..haha we will keep you posted very soon. so excited about what God is doing with your Compassion initiative!

J.Yost said...

Erin, you are too kind. So excited to have you and Ryan on the team!!