Anything vs. Somethings

I have been so encouraged for the past two weeks with a scripture in Ephesians that keep popping up all over my life. It's the one that shares about God being able to do anything in your life. Not just somethings, but ANYTHING! I am not sure I understood this in full or still understand this in its full capacity but lately I have had some insight. Over the past 9 months God has been moving in ways that have been unexplainable and uncontainable. What I mean by that is that things have been happening that are way beyond our abilities and we have not been able to control it. Over the past 9 months we have seen amazing relationships being built within the Deaf Community as well as many amazing relationships being built between the Deaf and the Hearing Communities. The ironic thing is that 9 months ago, sadly to say, I had never even met a Deaf person before. I just decided that I wanted my life to be about the things that break God's heart. I found the answer to that is people. And so, without any experience or knowledge, God introduced me to a Community and a Culture that is so different and so beautiful. It has taken me on a new path and things will never be the same. Small groups and connection points are building out of nowhere and opportunities that should have taken years to obtain are being placed right in front of our faces. So here is the paradigm shift. I am no longer living in my own strengths and asking God to move in and bless the things that I want to see happen or the dreams that I want to accomplish. Now, each and every day, I am submitting myself to the lordship and authorship of Christ and asking Him what His dreams are and where He is moving and blessing. That is where I want to be. That is who I want to be. God can do ANYTHING! Just be willing to follow!

What is God doing in your life? Where is God leading you? Are you living in your own strengths? Do you believe that God can do Anything? or is that based on our financial and relational security? Be encouraged by this passage today:

Ephesians 3:20-21 (The Message)
20-21God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. (bold added by me)