The Marriage Radar

Shelly and I are creating our own Rekindling Weekend to spend some time evaluating each other and our marriage as a whole. This is such an invaluable time spent. We consider it an investment by far. I think it is important to create times like this or always keep a marriage or relationship book in the rotation. Why? Because it doesn't always come natural to connect in a focused way to deal with deep and personal issues. In my own life I always am reading a biography, business, and christian inspirational book to evaluate myself and become better at who I am and what I do. That is always on my radar. it's what drives me everyday. And because it is always on my radar, I invest a lot of time in it. How much more important it is to invest time into my marriage and work to better myself and find different ways I can encourage and influence Shelly. This is an area that is well worth your time. You can't go wrong. The return on this investment is priceless!!

For what it's worth, here is what we are reading together this summer:

Nicaragua 2010

Did a VP (video phone) call to Nicaragua last night. We connected with a missionary couple there that established a Deaf Church and School. They started is 1998 with just a hand full of students and this year they have over 100 in attendance. We are looking to team with them for a trip in March 2010. Turns out one of their projects is building a coffeehouse:) So we'll look to raise some funds and bring some laborers over to begin the project. The coolest part is, we have a Spanish service as well here at NCC. So we are looking to team with them as well for the trip. So we will potentially have a trip that brings together 4 different languages and 4 different cultures. Is there anything more exciting!! 

Anything vs. Somethings

I have been so encouraged for the past two weeks with a scripture in Ephesians that keep popping up all over my life. It's the one that shares about God being able to do anything in your life. Not just somethings, but ANYTHING! I am not sure I understood this in full or still understand this in its full capacity but lately I have had some insight. Over the past 9 months God has been moving in ways that have been unexplainable and uncontainable. What I mean by that is that things have been happening that are way beyond our abilities and we have not been able to control it. Over the past 9 months we have seen amazing relationships being built within the Deaf Community as well as many amazing relationships being built between the Deaf and the Hearing Communities. The ironic thing is that 9 months ago, sadly to say, I had never even met a Deaf person before. I just decided that I wanted my life to be about the things that break God's heart. I found the answer to that is people. And so, without any experience or knowledge, God introduced me to a Community and a Culture that is so different and so beautiful. It has taken me on a new path and things will never be the same. Small groups and connection points are building out of nowhere and opportunities that should have taken years to obtain are being placed right in front of our faces. So here is the paradigm shift. I am no longer living in my own strengths and asking God to move in and bless the things that I want to see happen or the dreams that I want to accomplish. Now, each and every day, I am submitting myself to the lordship and authorship of Christ and asking Him what His dreams are and where He is moving and blessing. That is where I want to be. That is who I want to be. God can do ANYTHING! Just be willing to follow!

What is God doing in your life? Where is God leading you? Are you living in your own strengths? Do you believe that God can do Anything? or is that based on our financial and relational security? Be encouraged by this passage today:

Ephesians 3:20-21 (The Message)
20-21God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. (bold added by me)

A New Rhythm is Brewing

Yesterday, I had the awesome opportunity to meet Pastor Chris Hughes, Pastor of Deaf Calvary Church in Frederick MD and National Missions Director for National Deaf Culture Fellowship. What a great guy! It was so neat to hear what God is doing in the world in reaching the Deaf Community. We shared visions and dreams about opportunities here in DC and the room became rich with vision. The possibilities are endless. We are on the brink of some really cool "God Ideas". I cannot wait to reveal some of them in the near future. I am so humbled and honored to be a part of making history!

A18 Neighborhoods

This year our missions initiative is called A18 referring to Acts 1:8. We are in the process of taking 10 missions trips to 10 countries in 10 months. With just a few more to go, the momentum for this season has been tremendous. Well, this summer we are bringing it home. Our small groups are a free market system. Meaning each one is its own and you can create any small group you would like. For instance we have bible groups, tennis groups, artists groups, etc.. For the summer we are going to bring every small group together to focus on one topic, to reach their neighborhoods. For 6 weeks each small group will have the same curriculum focusing on "how to love your neighbor" and "why its important". Then at the end of the 6 weeks every group will culminate with a service project or outreach in their particular community. There is a lot of buzz around here. We are anticipating this summer to be such a great time of connection and community. Our small groups span from Woodbridge, VA to Capitol Hill, to Maryland. Without a doubt this is going to be a life changing/community changing summer. Our ATLAS (small group magazine) comes out this week with all the small groups and leaders listed. I think we will have over 85 small groups. Can't wait. Well kick off in 2 weeks!!

The Lion's Den

Yesterday we made a trip over to the National Gallery of Art to make some observations and reflect on how we can communicate culture better and also to just enjoy the arts. About halfway through I got side tracked from the Early Renaissance section and wandered over to view the huge painting of Daniel in the Lion's Den by Sir Peter Paul Rubens . I have seen this painting many times before and have even utilized the couch in front for lengthy viewing purposes. However, this time I walked away with some new insights and inspiration from the painting. So, here are a few thoughts: 

I noticed that Daniel had taken his cloak off and was half naked. Daniel's cloak was also red. The color red represented "flesh" & "blood". Interesting that in a state of extreme uncertainty and tremendous fear, Daniel strips himself of his clothes and lays his flesh vulnerable and bare before God. The natural reaction to uncertainty and fear is to close up our psychical posture to protect ourselves and shut down emotionally. I also noticed that Daniel's head and eyes were fixed toward heaven. He was not looking at the Loins and for that reason not a single Lion was looking at him. It was as if something or someone was with him in that Den protecting him from any harm at all. But again, it is so easy for us to look at our circumstances around us and allow them to consume our lives all the while our faith decreases. I believe we can learn something invaluable from this painting. Rubens example of Daniel's response to the Lion's Den is something to aspire for in our own lives. When faced with uncertainty and fear of any kind, whether deserving or undeserving, we must posture ourselves towards God and remain open to Him with our eyes & thoughts fixated towards Heaven, trusting and believing in Him to see us through and deliver us from all evil.  

No matter what circumstance you find yourself in today. Remain open. Be still and know that He is God. He will fight your battle for you. You need only to be still! 

Time for a Schedule Change

In an effort to change up our normal routine, we decided that all the campus pastors were going to meet together at each others houses on thursday morning to pray and connect before we come into the office. Today was our first session and I got to say, WOW! we need that in our lives. It reminded me of how much I miss settling down and confessing things one to another and praying with each other in love. It was a much needed time together. It has even made me hungry for it in other areas of my life. We need to strip down our schedules every once in a while and get back down to basics. Its simple and its effective and I recommend it for anyone. How can you strip down your schedule to connect with others through prayer and the reading of scripture? Make room for it. You won't be sorry. 

Battle of the Smithsonians

We had a fun night last night. We have been wanting to go and seen the new Night at the Museum movie since it came out. So last night we decided to go see the Smithsonian Imax where the movie was filmed. It was too cool. After the movie was over you felt like you were stepping on scene. Almost felt like a kid all over again. Loved it. I think they are showing it all summer. Put it on your list as a must see. Three Thumbs Up!

Stop Complaining

Over the past few months I have grown to appreciate the Israelites and their journey to the Promise Land. Every time I read about it in the past I could never understand why in the world they complained all the time and wasted years upon years to get somewhere when it could have only taken just a few days. Lately I have realized that I am not far from that. I find myself complaining about my circumstances at times and focusing my energy on it rather than on the things I should be putting time and energy into. I don't know about you but I do not want to miss the blessing or the opportunity as it passes by because I was too occupied with my own selfish ambitions. Looking back over the past few months I wonder if I still could have been at my best in building relationships and pastoring if I didn't focus so much of my complaining on traffic, commuting, and housing. If I am honest, if I added all the time up of all the focused energy towards those issues it would amount for weeks of energy. I want to be aware of this in my life. I am thankful for those times of tension in my life. It's ok that not everything was perfect or ideal. God did some awesome things through me and in me during those times. I don't want to miss it! And the next time around I want to be sure that I make the best use of my focus and energy. Let's keep Him supreme and let Him worry about the details. There is lots of work to be done and we cannot afford to waste time worrying and complaining. We can learn a lot from the Israelites. What areas in your life do you find yourself complaining about rather than praying about and moving on to allow God to care for your needs? What is taking up most of your time during the day? Let's be thankful for the hear and now and allow God to work through us today and let tomorrow worry about itself.