Relational Impact

The past two weeks have been filled with many great meetings and relational connection. Even more so than usual weeks. Before I let myself get bogged down from all the mental capacity being consumed up, I decided to take on a slightly different perspective. I started praying for each meeting of the day on my commute in to the office. I know this doesn't sound like a super spiritual concept but it allowed for my relational anticipation to become re-energized. Instead of wondering if I could get through all of the meetings I was eagerly anticipating each one. Then comes the big revelation. John 5:17 reveals that the Father is always working, always. That puts a whole new weight on how we should view our relational interaction. If you show up and the other person(s) shows up, you have no idea what the impact could be. Do not underestimate the potential of your meetings and/or connections with others throughout the day. Treat it like an honored guest and see what happens.