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www.jasonyost.org (click here to view my new blog)

Nica 2011

We had such a great time in Nicaragua. I could not have hand picked a better team. We are already making plans for our next trip. It was amazing to watch everyone contribute their energy through the skills and talents that each person had. We started working on the second floor of the Coffeehouse Project. They hope to complete the rest by the end of the year. We got to spend some time at the school this year as well. We are dreaming about future projects that can benefit the students and bring self sustainability to the school. The opportunities are endless. I'll post more information and ideas real soon. Thanks for all of your support in bringing a new rhythm to Nicaragua!

Nicaragua 2011

We are heading out on Monday morning to Managua, Nicaragua with a group of 12. We are so excited to head back this year to continue the efforts to construct La Puerta Cafe, a coffeehouse project to bring economic empowerment and social equality to the Deaf Community in Nicaragua. We will also be teaming with missionaries Matt & Eva Barlow to work with the students at Christian School for the Deaf. The school was established by the missionaries over fifteen years ago. They just has their first graduating class last year and their numbers are up to over one hundred students. It has been amazing to be a part of the story that God is writing through that couple in Nicaragua. We are honored to have this opportunity and cannot wait serve.

Decisions Points [cont.]

It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.

Show me a successful individual or company and I will show you an individual or company who knows what their values are. Think about it. We have a lot of entrepreneurs here. So much time and energy is spent in defining and creating missions statements and core values during the beginning stages of an organization Why? Because it’s easy to make decisions when you know what you value and every decision you make is based off of those values. So you spend most of the time upfront defining those values so the rest of the journey is easy. How much more important is this with your own individual lives and families? It’s worth the time to identify and define your values. 

Have you ever read through the record of Joseph and Potipher's wife? It is a great example to this context. Listen to Joseph's response after he is tempted on numerous occasions, “Come to bed with me!” But he refused. “With me in charge,” he told her, “my master does not concern himself with anything in the house; everything he owns he has entrusted to my care. No one is greater in this house than I am. My master has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” And though she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed with her or even be with her. One day he went into the house to attend to his duties, and none of the household servants was inside. She caught him by his cloak and said, “Come to bed with me!” But he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house (Gen 39).

This is amazing how Joseph is able to recite his values in the heat of the moment (pun intended). Put yourself in the story and tell me if this is not breeding ground for a fall. Joseph has gone from rags to riches. He just came off of a really bad situation with his family and he is emotional and physically drained. He is put as head of the household in Potipher’s palace. He can have anything he wants and he can make anybody do anything he wants. He has power, he has favor, and he has money at his disposal. And a fine, well dressed, well proportioned woman that probably smells really good shows interest in him and tempts him more times than one. What would you do? Listen if you don’t know or define your values, this is a hard choice for anybody. Look at the times in your life that you are most susceptible to fall. You either really tired, emotionally drained, coming off a successful high, or just caught off guard. You have to know your values in order to withstand these situations. It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.

Decision Points [cont.]

Noah was faced with an enormous decision as a leader. Did you know that it took Noah about 100 yrs to build the Ark? Noah's Ark was three stories high (Genesis 6:16). Its total deck area was equivalent to the area of about 20 standard college basketball courts or 36 lawn tennis courts. The world had to wait until AD 1884 before the Ark's size was exceeded, when the Italian liner Eturia was built. On top of that, the world had not yet seen rain up to this point. So every single day Noah is out there laboring and hoping it wasn’t bad pizza. Can you imagine what the neighbors must have thought? Or perhaps what his wife and kids may have thought? I cannot imagine working on the same project for 100 yrs and only by faith believing that it will even be used. This was a hard job to accomplish for any leader. There was no immediate gratification, no promotions, no 401k, just 100 yrs of the same old thing. The big question is, how was he able to remain faithful to the call? Because Noah understood that future outcomes can be influenced by our choices in the present. Before the story ever began we knew that Noah was a righteous man and blameless before all the people (Genesis 6:9). He made a decision before the "moment" came. That decision was able to sustain him during the times that he wanted to throw it all away.

Decision Points

Our life can be summed up by the decisions we make. You cannot get away with making zero decisions. That’s a problem because some people are very decisive when it comes to avoiding decisions. You get that later I am sure. From the time you wake up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night you will have made thousands and thousands of decisions. Some of those are made quickly and more easily. However some decisions are more serious and take time to evaluate. Since such is the case I wonder if it would be advantageous of us to be very aware, very purposeful and very careful when it comes to making the right decisions that will inevitably direct our investments throughout our lives (and I don’t mean financial). Think about it! Don't just wing it!

Senate Meeting

We are heading to the Reception for International Adoption today. Please pray for favor and many great connections today as we continue to find different ways to impact the orphans of our world. Stay tuned for updates and information on how you can help. Enjoy your day!

Relational Impact

The past two weeks have been filled with many great meetings and relational connection. Even more so than usual weeks. Before I let myself get bogged down from all the mental capacity being consumed up, I decided to take on a slightly different perspective. I started praying for each meeting of the day on my commute in to the office. I know this doesn't sound like a super spiritual concept but it allowed for my relational anticipation to become re-energized. Instead of wondering if I could get through all of the meetings I was eagerly anticipating each one. Then comes the big revelation. John 5:17 reveals that the Father is always working, always. That puts a whole new weight on how we should view our relational interaction. If you show up and the other person(s) shows up, you have no idea what the impact could be. Do not underestimate the potential of your meetings and/or connections with others throughout the day. Treat it like an honored guest and see what happens.

Divine Providence

We received a letter today from the US Senate offices inviting us to join them for the International Adoption Reception coming up in February. We are so grateful for this chance to serve, learn from, and partner with likeminded leaders with a heart for the world's orphans. One of the things that we have prayed often here at newRhythm, is that God would give us opportunities to spread hope to as many orphaned and vulnerable children as possible. And that these opportunities would go beyond our resources and abilities to create them. This is called Divine Providence. We have seen so many influential partnerships and relationships created with people and organizations that we have no business even talking to at this point if you know what I mean. It is so humbling to be entrusted with something that is way bigger than us. It makes for some amazing opportunities and beautiful stories of hope. The key is humility and character, these are non-negotiables. There is no better place than on the road marked with divine providence. How does your life and/or organization reflect Divine Providence

The Bookshelf

When I was younger I never liked to read. The bookshelf was something I stayed away from and was afraid of. Now, I embrace the bookshelf. In fact, its the centerpiece of the room. As I have progressed in years I have developed such a love for books. You have heard it before, reading is knowledge and knowledge is power. It is so true. I feel like I am gaining multiple degrees and vicariously gaining lots of life experiences through reading books. Just for personal preference I never read fiction, always non-fiction. Not sure exactly why. I would just rather give my time to factual and tangible information. Must be my personality type:) In case you care, here is what I am currently reading:

Parenting Beyond Your Capacity- Joiner/Nieuwhof
Adopted for Life- Moore
The Measure of a Man- Getz
Reclaiming Adoption- Cruver
The Shaping of a Christian Family- Elliot
Switch- Heath

One Small Step

Tis the season to evaluate and innovate. Most of us are gathering up all the hats we wear (that was metaphoric) and making appropriate evaluations and changes as we look forward to a wonderful and more efficient new year. The key here is to focus on small steps or changes that will lead you towards a giant leap. Think about it this way, its your direction, not your intention that will lead you to your destination. Even the smallest or seemingly the most insignificant change can lead to your greatest decision and accomplishment. For what its worth, one of my life goals is to publish a book. Honestly I do not even know where to begin. I need to do some research to get up to speed in the writing and publishing communities. So, this week I have connected with Thomas Nelson Publishing Company to get the ball rolling. Looks like there are some very affordable and promising opportunities available. That's my one small step towards a giant leap. Remember this: if you don't stock the toilet paper it's not just going to appear. You just have to do it! And the result is fabulous! What are some of your dreams or goals this year? What one small step can you take today to help you make that giant leap?

Response > Reaction

Yesterday marked the one year point since the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Over the past year we have heard so many amazing stories of people leaving behind their comforts to serve a country in need. Even right now we are walking with a family through the process of adopting two boys from Haiti. The tragedy has been horrendous, we can all agree. But in the midst of the tragedy God has been writing so many beautiful stories. These stories are written out of the muck and mire. They are written out of the uncomfortable, terrifying, and insecure places we find ourselves when we respond to a need. In the moment it may seem like a nightmare but in the end it's a story that we wouldn't change for anything. Those are the stories that are worth being told. They are the stories that we want our children and grandchildren to hear. Your response to a need in always greater than your reaction. Our reactions prick our emotions and rarely end up with thoughtful and sustaining production. However, a response invokes a giving of oneself. In order to respond we have to be "all in". Our time, energy, and resources are available when we respond to something. So, as you are walking along analyzing the needs around you (i.e.- Haiti, Human Trafficking, Orphans, AIDS, Homeless, Education, etc) make sure that you don't leave each issue with a mere reaction. It's worth your response.

Adoption Week

Seems like this week is adoption week by default. I got two emails yesterday alone for families who wanted to sign up for a New Rhythm Consult to talk about the possibilities of adoption. We are also connecting with two New Rhythm families at the end of the week to celebrate their Haiti adoption process. This stuff is amazing! We are so humbled to be a part of the amazing stories that God is writing in families. I am inspired everyday when I have the chance to listen and serve these wonderful people. If you have been thinking about how you can care for orphaned and vulnerable children and you are interested in a consult email us at info@newrhythm.org.


We are brainstorming different opportunities to partner with organizations to make a large impact locally and globally on the orphan care front. We always want to make sure we are balancing those efforts. Reaching only those who our next door minimizes our effectiveness. Reaching only those who are across the water makes us hypocrites. Our goal is to work hard at making sure we are hitting on all cylinders both locally and globally. Today we are conferencing with ShowHope to talk about a trip to Maria's Big House of Hope in China. Details will come soon. We would love for you to join us:)

The Origins of New Rhythm

I almost never write a post this long but I thought it was worth the share....

“I’m so sorry, there are no available families at this time.” 

It was a little over a year ago today that I remember hearing those words from my wife after getting a phone call late one evening. It was a late wintery night and we were sound asleep. Both of us were warm and cozy underneath our goose feathered down comforter when suddenly the phone rang. It was two in the morning and Shelly immediately jumped up to answer the phone. We have gotten phone calls like this one in the past, after all, my wife Shelly is a social worker and it is her job to help find placements for children in emergency situations. It is safe to say that we were kind of used to this type of situation but for some reason this night was different. It was a call for a sibling set of three. They waited after school for their parent or guardian to pick them up but they never came. It was hours later at this point and there was still no sign of a parental figure for these children who were all under the age of eight. The Social Service Department was calling around to agencies to try and find a safe, loving, and comfortable place for these kids to go temporarily or with potential permanency, depending on the outcome of the situation. As Shelly perused through her list of families she noticed that all of them were full and she was not going to be able to help these kids find a home. When she hung up the phone I couldn’t stop picturing those three young kids sitting in a waiting room, with no warm colors on the walls, no comfortable seating, and with no one to hold them or play with them and tell them that it is going to be ok. As far as we know, they are still in that waiting room today.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that during this same time that Shelly received this particular phone call I was at an unsettled place in my life, wrestling intrusively, and wondering if I was actually finding my life fit within the pages of scripture. Sure I believed in the Word of God and read it and went to church and encouraged others to do the same but there was a huge gap I felt between what I was reading in the Bible and what I was actually doing with my life.  The gap in this case wasn’t defined by the deep dark sins of commission and the things I was doing in secret or in the open. In fact it had everything to do with the things I wasn’t doing, the sins of omission. It was the parts of the Bible that I read and then just turned the page without giving proper attention to the words before me. For example, there is a particular verse found in the book James that speaks specifically about caring for those children that were on the other side of the phone that night. I have read many, many times before. It is written like this, “Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress.” Did you notice those two adjectives that were chosen specifically to describe God’s design for religion, in this case meaning the church? The words are pure and faultless.  Those are heavy words with enormous definition. The word pure means it is not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material, it is without any extraneous or unnecessary elements. And faultless, it means free from defect or error. Wow. Just reading these words gives you great anticipation for something so beautiful and so powerful and so genuine and yet when I think of the noun that they are describing, the church, it doesn’t quite match up. I want to be careful here. It would have been easy for me to stop right there and join the conversation of how much the church has missed the mark over the past several years and point my finger at how adulterated and stained the church really is. However, simply joining this conversation is not going to make my life, and/or the church, pure and faultless. You know what is? Actually believing and doing what the Bible says to do. In this case it is to care for the orphans and the widows. Then, after you have done these things, your faith and deep convictions will be known all around the world for generation to come as pure and faultless. That is what I want my faith to look like.

So Shelly and I started having this conversation with one another about how we could utilize our abilities and experiences in an effort to mobilize the church and the community to care for orphans and walk out the pages of scripture in a pure and faultless way. That is how New Rhythm Project came into existence. The more and more we had this conversation, the more and more we found out the need.

Did you know? 
there are 163 million orphans in the world?
there are over 100,000 children available for adoption in the U.S.
there are over 4,000 children in foster care in D.C.
if 1 family in 1 in 4 churches adopted one child their would be no more waiting children in the US
if only ¼ or less of the churches in D.C. got involved, there would be no more orphans in D.C.
if you got involved there would be one less orphan in your community

Collaborative efforts are what New Rhythm is all about. We educate and mobilize communities to care for the orphans. New Rhythm goes into a community and pulls out the red carpet from the church door to the government door. I know this may sound taboo but according to the Bible it is the church’s responsibility to care for the children, not the government. That is where the new rhythm happens. So first, we connect with the local DSS and other agencies to find out the particular needs of the community and solicit partnerships.  Then we join with a business organization or church and educate them on the doctrine and logistics of orphan care.  Finally, we help customize plans with individuals or families, and directly connect them with specific childcare organizations according to their needs and/or desires to serve. The result equates in major community needs being met which includes: finding stable and loving homes for children to find permanent or temporary placement, healthy communication and networking between businesses and organizations, & the church finding a new rhythm, rising to produce a movement that holds credibility to the adjectives that God had in mind for it.

If you are interested in having a New Rhythm come to your church, business, or community group please contact bookings@newrhythm.org

Sin and Bones

If you haven't already, take some time this month to map out a plan or goals for the year. It doesn't have to be exhaustive, it can be short but make sure its direct so you know what you walking towards. I have found this practice to be invaluable in every aspect of life. There is something important that happens when you create a plan and stick to it. Its like your synapsis' fire on all chords in order to see that plan resolved and you are able to make decisions that enable you to reach your destination. It is also of upmost importance to share your goals or your plan with others. This is a great way to not only help you stay the course with accountability but it also creates an opportunity for you to inspire others to dream as well. The dangerous part is the flip side. Life without a plan creates an environment for us to make bad decisions on the whim which we will more than likely later regret. So don't end your life with just sin and bones. Make the most of it and dream outside of your capabilities and see what happens.

Proverbs 5
You don't want to end your life full of regrets, nothing but sin and bones. Saying, "Oh, why didn't I do what they told me? Why did I reject a disciplined life? Why didn't I listen to my mentors, or take my teachers seriously? My life is ruined! I haven't one blessed thing to show for my life!"

The Greatest Resolution

Interested in great health, personal growth, and occupational success in 2011? Look no further than Proverbs 4:20-27:

"Listen well to my words; tune your ears to my voice. Keep my message in plain view at all times. Concentrate! Learn it by heart! Those who discover these words live, really live; body & soul, they're bursting with health. 
Keep vigilant watch over your heart; thats where life starts. Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left;leave evil in the dust."

Logo Launch

What a joy it was to launch our brand new logo yesterday on 1/1/11 at 1pm. We also did a pre-launch for our webpage so it was a two for one deal. We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve individuals and families through new rhythm project. And to think, we are starting the year with three adoptions from Haiti. What an amazing privilege. Here is to a great year with hundreds of children in loving families! Thanks for your support and love.