Scandal- The Virgin Birth

This Christmas we are doing a series entitled SCANDAL. We are taking a look at the Christmas story and revealing a few truths that we tend to brush over in order to make it fit 'our idea' of Christmas. I have been challenged each week and encouraged to repent of my preconceived ideas of what I created this season to be. This week I have the opportunity to discuss the Scandalous Story of the Virgin Birth. I have to admit. It looks a little different than how I remember the Sunday school story going. Here is an excerpt or teaser from this weekend's message. To get the rest you have to be at Loews Theaters 10am Sunday morning at Gtown. Merry Christmas.

"For years people have studied and spent their entire lives following the prophecies that were to come. First the Roman Republic was established to organize and govern the people and then failed due to massive civil wars. Following it came the Roman Empire with powerful leader Caesar Augustus. The government had already been established and the idea of power and rule had been set in the minds of the people. This picture was formed as the cognitive category of what the Savior and the Reign of Christ was supposed to look like. Lots of visible power, money, gold, possessions, popularity and so on. Anything that did not fit into that category could not have been the truth! Or could it?"
You see from the very beginning God gave us a few clues to let us know that it may not look like the way we think it should look like. It’s almost as if he knew this would happen; that we would get stuck in our pre conceived ideas and miss the one thing that we were here on this earth to receive."