On the Road Again?

Feeling the itch to hit the road again for a Worship Experience Tour. I miss it and it's been too long. You know that feeling that you were created to do that one thing and you don't feel like you are doing it. Well i am getting that nudge to get back on the wagon. It's been a good season of rest but it's time! I am in the process of making some old and new contacts, putting a band together, and writing some songs. I love the journey of leading others in lifting up our Creator God. There is nothing else like it. There will be a new site up soon. Look for it! Send me an email if you have a venue and would like to host an experience!


Ray McDonald said...

Hey Jason - I would love to host you and your team one night or even for a series of nights at Mt. Oak. Let me know when you are closer to hitting the road...