Radio Waves

The weather here in DC has been so nice lately. The other day Shelly and I woke up, got in the car and just went for a ride. We opened the sunroof, put the windows down, and gently breathed in the not so fresh city air. After driving around for a while and taking in the site we decided to return for home to get on our bikes and continue our exploration. On our way home one of my all-time favorite songs, which i will leave you guessing for, came on the radio. I was so excited and cranked the volume. Just as we were getting into the tune and singing at the tip of lungs we were approaching the tunnel near our house and the signal began to fade. My instinct told me to speed up in order to get through the tunnel and catch the rest of the song. Since we are supposed to obey the laws of the land I only excelled to 10 mph over the designated speed limit...i think. However, buy the time we ascended out of the tunnel, you guessed it, the song was over!
Later that afternoon I came across this scripture about the Great Banquet found in Luke 14:15-24. I was overwhelmed with the invitation that God gives us each and every day to come sit as His table and eat with Him. His table is the place where everyone of us belong. At His table there is no need for image, or titles, or anything else that drains our life and energy throughout the day. Its the place were we feel normal, comfortable, valued, loved, appreciated, and protected. The greatest thing is, its an open invitation everyday. I believe with all my heart that, like radio waves that are moving all around us, God is speaking and inviting us in, always. I need to sit and eat with God. I don't want to be the one who is too busy to accept the invitation to what really matters. The question is, are we listening? Are we tuning in to hear His invitation?