Count the cost

I came across a quote from Albert Einstein in my readings today that really encouraged me, thought i would share it with you.  "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds." BAM!!  Just when you feel like no else understands or even cares...keep pressing on towards your dream.  Its' the many that are called, but few are chosen.  The road to greatness is not necessarily on freshly paved and painted roads. On the contrary, it is more than likely to be on the road "less traveled"

Thought for the Day:  What are you doing today to invest in a better tomorrow.  Are you stretching yourself? Are you settling for what is easy? Is there any struggle or conflict in your life that is shaping and molding you? If not, are you really living at your full potential?

Prayer for today (only if you mean it): God ruin me, God stretch me, God direct me