Why Worry?
As my surgery has been approaching I have been faced with the temptation to worry. Divinely enough, my particular reading topics this week have been related to worry vs. trusting. It seems that trusting is far more relaxing and energizing then worry. I even came across a great definition for worry in my readings from the Christian Atheist, "worry is the sin of distrusting the promises and the power of God." Wow! So quite honestly worry is a sin. When you worry your perspective of God is false. You minimize His power and His truth. When you put it that way it seems preposterous to worry, right. Who am I to take the reign from the creator of all things and profess, by worrying, that He is in fact NOT able. Ouch! I do not want any part of that. However, when you and I worry, that is exactly what we are doing. Be encouraged by this scripture today and know that worrying will accomplish absolutely nothing. Trusting in Him is way better use of your life and energy.