The Gift

Shelly and I got to travel this week to visit our family.  We had some much needed downtime and quality time. It was a gift!!  I love my family.  I consider myself blessed with extra family in my life in different places.  God has been good to us.  Today, we head back to DC as we kick off our Christmas Theme, The Gift.  I always look forward to this time off year.  It provides great opportunity to influence.  Let's celebrate "the Gift" this season together as we bring back the "real reason for the season":)  


I am really enjoying spending some downtime with my family.  When I was younger, I cannot say that I understood the importance of family.  Now however, I love spending quality time with and investing in our family.  This is how i see it, you only get one shot, so make it count.  Your legacy is left through your family.  So yeah, I am thankful for family, and the many family members that God has blessed me with! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! Now, get off the computer and enjoy this time with your family and friends:) 

Tis The Season

I popped in the Christmas playlist this morning as I was getting ready for the day.  Love the christmas season.  It reverberates all kinds of things from family, to peace, to giving, to warmth, to loneliness, depression, and anger.  But overall, what a great season to influence people by giving.  Read carefully, I do not mean the giving that puts people into debt for the year and adds to the number of materials things in your home.  I mean the giving that changes things.  Like serving at a homeless shelter for a holiday meal.  Or sending that letter to a relative you have not heard from in a while.  Perhaps, its getting the family together to sponsor a child overseas this year rather than accumulating more gifts at home.  It's the power of giving that changes a life.  Think about how your life was changed.  Somewhere along the line, someone gave something and you are reaping the benefits.  There is nothing more powerful than the ultimate gift, the one that has the power to change all of our lives....God so loved the world that He GAVE His one and only Son...for you and for me!  So be encouraged, wherever life finds you this Christmas, whether happy or sad, know that you have the power change someone's life by giving.  

Alpha Retreat

Its that time now, when all the Alpha locations get together for a weekend of experiences.  Shelly and I have so much enjoyed leading our Alpha group and connecting with new friends.  It has been such a blessing to our lives.  God has shown himself real in so many different ways.  It is awesome to watch Him orchestrate lives.  Can't wait to see what He does this weekend. 

An Overwhelmingly Great Two Days

We had such a great time at our Staff Planning Retreat.  Crazy busy with meeting after meeting but very fun and beneficial.  So great to remove yourself from the norm and dream big for the future.  We are believing greater things for 2009.  On the list for 09 is a fifth location, another coffeehouse, and a dream center.  We have definitely agreed that in our own strength all things are impossible. However, in His strength, all things are possible.  I am so honored, excited, and humbled to be a part of a team and under such great leadership that takes the time to invest, plan, tweak, and play.  This was such a great experience and a must for any organization.  Can't wait to see how God orders our steps for 09.  To be continued.......

Greater Things in 2009

This Monday and Tuesday is our staff planning retreat.  Our entire staff packs into vehicles and head to the Inner Harbor for a two day fun filled planning event.  We play hard and we work hard. We will be joined this year by a branding consultant who is helping us rebrand NCC.  As we are growing, we are changing and becoming more complex so its good to have someone come in and help us keep it simple so we can be more effective.  Can't wait, should be a great time.

So this morning I am hanging at Panera doing my 2009 Ministry Report.  Included in the ministry report is a projected budget list, outreach list, ministry goals, etc.. So pray for me this morning as I pencil in the new year and believe God for GREATER THINGS!! 

A High Priest and a Friend

Hebrews 4:14-16
14 So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. 15 This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. 16 So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. (bold & italics added)

This passage has been on my radar the past few weeks. What an encouragement to the body of Christ and to the world. Whatever life brings you today...know this truth.....Jesus understands where you are today, for He is no stranger to the same testings we face each and every day. What's more, He overcame and yet did not sin. So, in your time of need, (which is never ending), find yourself at the feet of Christ where we find grace to help us when we need it most! Amen.

Come check out Josh Moore & To Write Love on Her Arms in Concert @ Ebz on Nov 14th 730pm

Weekend Highlights

Has a great weekend. Services were awesome. Catacombs and Baptism was great as well. Time to re-energize and get focused for the coming week. I will post some pics from the weekend after i upload them.

It's A Dream

God has given Shelly and I a dream in our hearts that we can't wait to see come to pass. I had a random thought the other day that brought excitement to my heart. I realized that the dream that God put in mine and Shelly's heart could be the vessel to bring dreams to reality to people from all over the world. What an awesome opportunity. Let me share a little but about what I am talking about.
Well, this year we are looking to launch D.C.'s first Dream Center, a faith based center that will provide housing, education, counseling, food, health clinics, and more to the people in need in and around our community. We are just thrilled with excitement to have the opportunity to make such an impact on our community and kinda pick up the ball where the church has dropped it over the years. We are at the below ground level at this point. Would you pray that God would lead towards and provide for us a building here in DC? Pray that God would begin to put the pieces together and give us favor in the city. Pray that God would bring the finances and the people. Pray that this would be the beginning of a movement that would create a ripple effect across the nations as we go the extra mile to love our neighbors and provide for those in need.

What Now?

Now that the elections are over and we have a new President Elect, what now?  What is your response to the election, especially if the one you voted for is not the President Elect? I want to encourage you that there is no authority except that which God has established, so it is good for us to submit to the authorities in place.  So it is right then to honor God by submitting to authorities and praying for those in authority even if you may or may not agree with them.  That may be hard to swallow for some but it is honorable and pleasing to God.  

In the past few weeks God has been tugging at my heart on the issue of investing in the government with my prayer life.  Lately i cannot say that it has been on my radar as a priority of prayer.  But now, more than ever, it will be.  My motivation is not so much as a result of agreeing or  disagreeing with the governing authorities but my motivation is the fact that my/our hope is not found in those governing authorities.  On the contrary, my/our hope is found in God alone.  He is the One who is sovereign and ruler of the nations.  
So what now?  We can be confident in this, that He who began a good work in us, will bring it to completion.  He is the One who brings change and hope for the nations.  And the best part of it all, He includes us in it.  That is right, you can be vessels of change for your community, family, economy, nation.  It is not time for the church, the followers of Christ, to pick up what we once dropped and left to the government to fix.  It is time to be the change for our communities. You and I are then hands of feet of Christ.  You and I, the church, are the hope of the world.  So let's start acting like it!

A Must Hear/Read/Listen- The Political Elephant

This weekend Pastor Mark discussed the Political Elephant. It is definitely worth checking out! Go to our webcast to view. What a great message to kick off this election week!!

The Political Elephant

Gearing up for the weekend services. Pastor Mark will be sharing via video on the Political Elephant. Timing is everything right:) Be sure to check it out on the web next week. The important subject falls on the idea of "what do we do now?" What will our response be to the new President? The Bible speaks very clearly of our responsibility to pray for and honor those in authority over us. On the contrary, the Bible speaks nothing of slandering, mocking, or gossiping about those in government and/or authority. So, what will your response be after Nov. 4th? Especially if the New President is NOT the one you voted for?