HallowFest 08

Planning our Halloween Outreach here at Ebz.  Love having opportunities to bless our community with no strings attached.  We are going to have some games, hot chocolate, candy, picture booths and more.  Getting excited as we finalize details.

Had our ONE YEAR anniversary yesterday.  Lots of fun.  We took a historical tour of Downtown Annapolis on Segway Scooters.  Yes!! They are as fun as they look.  It was a blast.  We also created a marriage covenant for 2009. We made covenants together in 4 areas: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Financial, & Fun. I'll spotlight two things we pledged to do for the 09 year.  One is to run a 5k and the other is to read through the Bible in its entirety together. I am excited about our goals.  All of which we need God's help to achieve.  Overall, fun times and the weather was beautiful.  Couldn't ask for anything more!!

Thought for the Day:  Remember, people are the prize.  What drives you? Fame? Fortune? Recognition? People are the motive.  Loving people and caring for their needs is the motive.  I am challenged by this because sometimes my first question to myself is what am I going to get of this?  I have found, that is always the wrong answer....It is good to "selah" or pause every once in a while and check your motives.  


Carol Dee, CZT said...

Glad to see you guys are having such a good time. Happy anniversary!!!

We'll be out of pocket for a few weeks. Steve will be coming to Salisbury next weekend and then we are going to Jackson, TN, for 10 days to meet our newest grand daughter, Saigel Annette. How cool is that? Keep on . . . God bless. . .Carol <><