My Charity Water Campaign

I wonder if we could create a new rhythm when it comes to holidays and birthdays. At the present and in times past these occasions tend to make us lean towards selfishness and have sent us on a mission to satisfy OUR needs. But, what if we used these occasions to satisfy the needs of OTHERS? After all, what needs do we really have? Are they really needs or just merely wants? If you look at the world around you you will see greater needs than that of your own. The beautiful thing is that you and I, we have the influence and the resources to provide some of those needs. So I say, why not? It starts by simply stepping out of your original mind set and or comfort zone and creating a new rhythm in your life to bring awareness and provision to the greater needs of human beings across this world. We can make an impact today. Instead of sending me a card or a gift, make a donation to provide clean water to a community in need. Since I will be completing my 28th year I thought it might be cool if you could give $28 towards the cause. 100% of your donation will go towards clean water. Lets do this thing! You can change a life today and celebrate mine at the same time

Check out my @mycharitywater campaign.  Help me raise money for clean water for my bday.

On the Reading Shelf

In case you care, here is a list of books that I am currently reading. I always get inspired when I see what other people are reading so if this is helpful then so be it, if not, then so be it again.

Radical - by David Platt
Purple Cow - by Seth Godin
Forgotten God - by Francis Chan
Sun Stand Still - by Steven Furtick
Building Social Business - by Muhammad Yunis
I currently find myself reading through the Psalms in our Bible Reading Plan


ReThink Holiday

I was reading an article recently that shared a blurb from the American Census Bureau. It stated that last year Americans spent 41 million dollars on pumpkins most of them only to cut up and set by the front door. I wonder if it is worth us rethinking how we celebrate holidays. That is a sickening fact. It is time that Americans begin to rethink the celebration of our holidays and see how we can divert the usual monetary flow for the greater good of the world. Think about it. What if we created a holiday were one day every year we gave over 41 million dollars to provide clean water for the different countries in need which in return would prevent diseases and early deaths? What if we created a holiday were one day every year 41 million americans opened up their homes to orphans that had no place to go? In just a few years there would be no more orphans in this world. What if we created a holiday were one day every year we gave 41 million dollars to micro finance individuals to create small business in the less developed countries of our world and worked towards some sustainability in communities? I would love to here your ideas as fill in the blank...what if we created a holiday were one day every year_______________