Job 1-15

As I am reading through the book of Job I find myself challenged in many ways. One particular situation has become illuminated in my mind, suffering. Suffering is followed by so many questions that have been pondered and debated for many years as to why, who causes suffering, and how should we deal with it. Now, here is a disclaimer: I am not omniscient and do not have this all figured out, but here are a few thoughts that I have recorded that have changed the way I think about suffering.
In my heart of compassion I always am looking for ways to help those around me who are suffering. If someone is struggling in their marriage or needing help managing their finances or dealing with a loss of some kind, I am always prone to do something to alleviate their pain and suffering. Its a great intention but sometimes not the best practice. Job's friends shot off all kinds of thoughts, counsel, and ideas that they thought would fix Job's problems. However, in reality they had no idea what God was up to. God had a plan for Job and was totally in control at every moment. Job said it himself, "we take the good days from God, why not the bad days too." There is always a reason, sometimes and perhaps most times, we do not understand it. It may help to train our minds to think, what can I get out of this? instead of how can I get out of this? We need to mourn with those who are mourning and rejoice with those who are rejoicing. Shared suffering is dignifying and can produce life-changing results. There is no short cut to success and there are no short cuts to anything worth waiting for. Today, let us rejoice in our sufferings and look for God to lead us through.

All Location Celebration

For the first time in NCC history we had every location in one spot for a celebration service. It was incredible. We hosted it at the Lincoln Theater on U Street. Talk about some history. It was pretty cool to be playing on the same stage that Ella Fitzgerald and The Duke have graced before. It was an awe inspiring night. I wonder if we'll be doing more of this?




 Yesterday, as a Church, we started our one year Bible Plan. This year we will walk through the Bible together with a custom plan. Our weekend sermon series will correspond with what we are reading throughout the year. So excited about this. J. I. Packard said it best, "any Christian worth his salt will read the Bible from cover to cover every year".  So here we go!! I have a feeling this will be a monumental year in our lives as a church! Feel free to take the challenge along with us.

National Alpha Prayer Breakfast

Kari, our staff intern, and I had an amazing opportunity this morning to share the story of what God has been doing at Gallaudet University, specifically with Campus Alpha. Kari did an awesome job telling the story and we got the chance to meet some really neat from different parts of the US and the world. I gentleman in particular was so moved by what God is doing here in DC that he gave Kari $500 cash to start the process of writing a book to record everything that is happening along with some leadership lessons and 'best practices' in Deaf Ministries. We were pleasantly surprised for we both thought that one day we would have the opportunity to record everything in a book.
I am a strong believer that God is able to do more than we could ever ask or imagine. When you put your sights on what God wants to do and you concern yourself with the things that God is most concerned with, everything else will fall into place and productivity will happen for the glory of God. What a cool opportunity we all have to be a part of God's story. We are just a small part of God's big plan to redeem humanity. It is such an honor and a privilege. Every trial and obstacle is worth enduring for the great prize of changed lives filled with faith,hope, and love! My heart is encouraged today. Whatever you find yourself doing, do it with excellence and do it for the Lord. For your work in the Lord in not in vain. Now enjoy the snow!

Limitations = Miracles

Our greatest limitations provide a recipe for the greatest miracles. Wherever we are without, God is all the more with us. Feel no discouragement in sparsity. God wants to show His glory to you in the same way he showed it to Gideon.

Judges 7:1-7
Jerub-Baal (Gideon) got up early the next morning, all his troops right there with him. They set up camp at Harod's Spring. The camp of Midian was in the plain, north of them near the Hill of Moreh. God said to Gideon, "You have too large an army with you. I can't turn Midian over to them like this—they'll take all the credit, saying, 'I did it all myself,' and forget about me. Make a public announcement: 'Anyone afraid, anyone who has any qualms at all, may leave Mount Gilead now and go home.'" Twenty-two companies headed for home. Ten companies were left. God said to Gideon: "There are still too many. Take them down to the stream and I'll make a final cut. When I say, 'This one goes with you,' he'll go. When I say, 'This one doesn't go,' he won't go." So Gideon took the troops down to the stream. God said to Gideon: "Everyone who laps with his tongue, the way a dog laps, set on one side. And everyone who kneels to drink, drinking with his face to the water, set to the other side." Three hundred lapped with their tongues from their cupped hands. All the rest knelt to drink. God said to Gideon: "I'll use the three hundred men who lapped at the stream to save you and give Midian into your hands. All the rest may go home." 

God cut Gideon's army down from 32,000 to 10,000 then to 300 men. God was creating a recipe for miracles so everyone could see that He was God and all credit and honor belonged to him. Are there areas of you life today where you feel discouraged because there is just not enough? Hold on tight and stay focused because God is getting ready to do something that you can't even imagine!!


Went to bed last night in DC..woke up today in Narnia! It is gorgeous outside from all the powdery snow. I have to say I have really enjoyed the wintery wonderland this season. It has reminded me of God's creativity. He is so beautiful and seems to have no end to creativity! I love it!

Another reason for feeling like I am walking in an imaginary today? someone paid for 2 masseuses' to come in today to give all of our staff a 20 min. massage. Again, His creativity never ceases to amaze me. Lol!